Example sentences of "[vb base] not in " in BNC.

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1 The only stage process not in the mill was the actual weaving .
2 ‘ They do n't live together — I mean not in the same place , ’ he added conscientiously .
3 The area where the Parsons lived lay not in the desirable temperate zone called North Oxford but further north , too far by half , in the boreal tundra of pre-war suburbia out towards the ring road , beyond which lie the arctic wastes of Kidlington , where first-time buyers huddle in their brick igloos and watch the mortgage rate rising .
4 The influence of trade unions lay not in their numbers alone but in the strength and cogency of their arguments .
5 The intelligentsia are blamed — or praised — for instilling in the working class the conviction that the solution to their problems lay not in economic reform but political revolution .
6 The main importance of the rescript , however , lay not in its relatively modest provisions or acceptability to the various policy-makers in central government , but in the rapidity with which it was circulated and published .
7 She believes that these changes lie not in what is learned but more in how it is learned .
8 The dark fine-grained rocks lie not in horizontal layers like all those above , but are twisted and buckled and riven with veins of pink granite .
9 They lie not in the institution of new rules or infringement of time-worn custom and prejudice , but in simple recognition of the part which sexuality plays in all human life and affairs and the use of that recognition in dealing with human problems .
10 It is for these reasons that his approach seems the more fruitful of the two in understanding the situation in advanced capitalist societies during the last twenty or thirty years , when Adorno 's conception of artistic totality , mirror image of an increasingly global , oppressive industrial totality , presents a theoretical cul-de-sac ; when , by contrast , we are actually bombarded by an increasingly heterogeneous mix of musical methods and messages , often seemingly cut free from traditions and sources , shifted around at random ; when listeners do seem to some extent to have learned , gradually , new perceptual skills , through several decades of habituation , enabling more active comparison of styles , a greater variety of uses and a more ‘ ironic ’ relationship to the stream of musical products ; and when the main opportunities for critique and subversion lie not in head-on ‘ romantic ’ protest but in exploiting temporary spaces , in the cracks and at the margins , within the monolith itself .
11 The transferability and the value of the culture of higher education to society lie not in the acquisition of specific competencies , but in the propensity of graduates to take up a sceptical stance to what they come across ( in truth claims , in concept , in value , in ways of going on ) .
12 It seems a sensible conclusion that the strengths of this technique lie not in the method itself , but in the experience and skill of the person who employs it , and the extent to which these are known and respected by the beneficiaries of the study .
13 The question seems absurd until you realise that we know not in what manner the spirit survives .
14 Toil not in the garden ; behold within the soul of the lover , Damascus and Ghuta , rosebowers and all Nairab .
15 No I suppose not in a sense , but there again we should be because like you 've just explained , why should they give themselves a
16 Moreover , those planning a curriculum may find that they proceed not in a linear fashion , but by moving back and forth among the various headings , since these affect one another .
17 The position of a lessee after assignment towards his lessor in relation to the covenants in his lease is concluded in this court , and I doubt not in all courts , by the decision of Baynton v. Morgan , 22 Q.B.D. 74 .
18 They differ not in respect of reaction patterns but in the economic characteristics of the market concerned , and it is a matter of fact , not logic , to decide which model is appropriate for any particular market under study .
19 It was not in their financial interest to provoke or prolong strikes or to create bitterness and resentment when trade was brisk and labour not in demand .
20 For all their bluster about foreign conspiracy , the foreigners who worry them most live not in the United States or Western Europe but in Hungary , Poland and the Soviet Union .
21 I think not in truth .
22 The roots of this belong not in the New Testament but in Latin legalism .
23 As in books on the philosophy of art , or aesthetics , many do not in fact contain any art criticism , in the sense of description , interpretation and judgement of individual works .
24 But , alas , madam , I do not in the present know what it is you are asking if I am seeing . ’
25 The observers that took part in the raid do not in any way represent the residents of this estate and are widely regarded here as being little better than police stooges .
26 The genealogical trigger determining the numbers involved , the extensiveness of the quarrel , is thus the branching of the tree through brotherhood : by tracing the extent of obligation to two brothers ( rather than to their father ) each disputant secures the maximum of supporters who owe him loyalty and who do not in that particular instance owe loyalty to the other side .
27 The short answer is that we can not , and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve .
28 Hand-on-heart declarations that rugby is an amateur game and that players have freedom to play when they choose , do not in this competitive , rewarding age , ring true .
29 Although unfortunate for the view that latent inhibition can be equated with conditioned inhibition , these results do not in fact constitute a death blow .
30 Demonstrations of context-specificity do not in themselves establish the correctness of this view as they can be readily interpreted as showing simply that the effects of pre-exposure interfere less with acquisition when conditioning takes place in different context .
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