Example sentences of "[vb base] be many " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But despite his faults — which I confess were many — he was adept at killing .
2 I 've been many things in my life , but I 'm not a liar . ’
3 The A423 is one of the busiest roads in the region and there 've been many accidents .
4 There have been many books written about improvisation and if I were asked to choose just one it would be Keith Johnston 's Impro which is straightforward , understandable , and theatrically aware .
5 Attempts to change the system — and there have been many — have always foundered on an unwillingness to abandon the gold standard of British education .
6 There have been many Western and Soviet studies of religious belief per se , and of the interaction in Soviet history between an atheist regime and a highly religious peasantry , but scant reference is made to socio-economic views and actions derived from religion that had ultimate political repercussions .
7 There have been many examples of long , classic singles , like ‘ Eloise ’ , ‘ McCarthur Park ’ and ‘ American pie ’ .
8 There have been many claims that Mrs Thatcher has shifted the agenda of British politics .
9 In the fifty years since the TA was last called up for war there have been many changes .
10 There have been many meetings and there are many programmes under discussion .
11 There have been many attempts to explain Baldwin 's 1929 election programme .
12 There were many then and there have been many since who believed the Rosenbergs were victims of an FBI frame-up but the American people were baying for scapegoats , not least for the grave reverses in Korea .
13 There have been many wars here .
14 Although there have been many marvellous performances that have meant a great deal to me , the most important to me , without doubt , was the only time I heard my first teacher sing .
15 Since he became leader , there have been many other occasions when his reluctance or inability to get through his homework have let him down and embarrassed his party .
16 Dr Margaret O'Brien , a chartered psychologist at East London Polytechnic and author of The New Man , told the conference : ‘ Though there have been many changes in family life over the century , it is surprising to discover that children seem to have such a traditional view . ’
17 Captain Pugwash is probably his best-known character but there have been many others : Harris Tweed , Lettice Leefe , Mary , Mungo and Midge , Sir Prancelot , and Cardinal Grotti in the Catholic Herald .
18 Over the past few years there have been many reports in the national press advocating that all dwellings should be fitted with smoke detectors .
19 Few people find Anselm a serious contender for proving the existence of God , although there have been many philosophers who have rightly observed , as we have tried to do , that the logic of existence requires careful consideration .
20 There have been many volumes written on the Cotswold wool trade but comparatively little ever said about the silk industry .
21 It is possible that she acquired a posthumous conscience for , over the years , there have been many well-attested witnessings of her shade , wringing its hands — at the fate of William ?
22 There have been many theories accounting for the prevalence of North , North East and East facing galleries , including a favourite one that they were built so that thrifty spinners might sit out and catch the last of the waning daylight .
23 But it is important to state that although in recent years in Britain , there have been many service innovations whose aim has been to improve the home or community care of elderly mentally frail people ( see for example Age Concern England , l983 ) , unfortunately most of these schemes have either not been systematically evaluated ( often because they have been very small in scale ) , or — if they have — results have not been widely disseminated .
24 In South America where savannas occupy some 2 × 110 8 ha , there have been many modifications of the natural vegetation for a variety of agricultural purposes ranging from large-scale ranching to intensive cropping based on irrigation .
25 As examples of the achievements of these minds , I think of the Gandavyuha and the Sufis ' planes of reality but there have been many others whose level of vision is as extensive though in no sense more penetrating or more brilliant .
26 There have been many who have left their footsteps in the sand and bequeathed an example to follow .
27 There have been many different attempts to explain these pressures , in terms of capitalist crisis ( or the fiscal crisis of the state ( O'Connor , 1973 ) ) ; or the state acting as a leech on productive sectors of the economy ( most strongly argued in Bacon and Eltis , 1976 ) ; or simply in terms of monetarism ( outlined in Gamble , 1984 , pp. 145–9 ; Leys , 1983 ) .
28 Already there have been many studies of the effect of unemployment on health ; do they give useful results ?
29 There have been many attempts to understand why certain materials cause blood coagulation and many suggestions have been made as to how to overcome the problem .
30 There have been many attempts to produce haemocompatible materials and some researchers have suggested that the key to producing such materials is to have a negatively charged surface .
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