Example sentences of "[vb base] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast , the rules of dress or of how we eat are unwritten guides to behaviour .
2 What is more , many naturally-occurring chemicals are highly toxic : the natural foods we eat are stiff with potentially damaging chemicals — plants , in particular , spike their products with an armoury of defensive substances ( see p 15 ) , fungi on the plants contribute their own toxins , and the bacteria in our gut add to the number we absorb .
3 Innominate Crack and Kern Knotts Crack are both 4c , though the first is the harder overall and more suited to the modern climber , being less of a squirm than the other .
4 Moreover , what we perceive far exceeds what actually interacts with our nervous system ; for what interacts with our nervous systems is occurrent energy and what we perceive are continuant objects ( see earlier , p. 98 ) .
5 Some common names are OK ( Oscar , Jack Dempsey , Convict are current throughout the UK ) but ‘ Yellow Dwarf Cichlid ’ could be any one of several dwarfs from Africa or South America , and ‘ Butterfly Cichlid ’ can mean at least two different fish .
6 For two lexical items A and B we can ask whether the respective classes of entities they denote are identical , disjunct , overlapping , or whether one includes the other .
7 Other issues that develop are concerned with caring people who wish to help relatives and friends express their grief .
8 Shuvorn has gorn off picking daisies in Katie Jane Garside doolally-land and the new one who used to pose in leather mags is no longer , but the two ‘ Nanas that remain are fitter and leaner than ever .
9 The issues that they raise are complex , and procedurally they affect the responsibilities of a large number of bodies , both in Government and outside it .
10 Though some of the foregoing indicates diversity , the questions they raise are common to all teachers :
11 Many of the issues you raise are important , and are being addressed .
12 You can borrow up to six items at any one time and most items you borrow are due back in 28 days ( not a month ) , but some in heavy demand are due back in 14 days .
13 Now the choices and values are not only what I trust are right choices and correct beliefs ; they are my choices , my beliefs , my convictions
14 But I suppose they 're all boys really , I mean are all boys like this really ?
15 Often , what someone says and what they really mean are two different things .
16 I mean er does it bother you at all that well I mean are most of the men managers ?
17 I mean are these noodles or
18 Well , different utilities , different roads are being destroyed , bridges , I mean are these things going on ?
19 The type of notes you make are personal but the important point is that you can follow them with only a glance .
20 The key is to start with something simple ; 95 per cent of the decisions you make are unconscious — for example , when you drive a car you never really think about putting it into first or second gear .
21 The checks that we make are quick but thorough as we take our responsibilities seriously-no one wants to add to an existing debt problem .
22 If you want to carry the smallest possible quantity of water or get the best possible price in the market , the judgements you make are important in a way those made in a water tray or school shop can never be .
23 He and the staff of Safe-Buy are responsible for checking the credentials of every firm applying for membership .
24 Despite their elaborate plumage , peafowl are competent fliers and can frequently be seen in trees ( right ) .
25 Search and replace are two very useful facilities found on the majority of word-processors .
26 The Flight levels at which you fly are odd and even .
27 Although I have serious reservations about the methodology of most of these studies ( in that they are far too pessimistic about the ability of the business community to respond to changing circumstances following changing relative prices ) and although some of the shortages which appear are due not so much to the limits of nature as the intervention and regulation of governments , nevertheless they raise sufficiently serious doubts about such things as the effects of carbon dioxide and the present lack of adequate recycling that I believe they must be taken seriously .
28 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
29 Whatever novelists may believe about the universe , they do not demand of their readers a formal belief in God or the Devil , or in the forces of history , and the tolerances they expect are wide .
30 Comment is free , fax are sacred
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