Example sentences of "[vb base] the other " in BNC.

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1 Only 1% use abstinence to reduce the risk of unwanted fatherhood , though 8% favour the other non-technical approach — withdrawal .
2 A wronged woman might stab her husband with scissors , cut up his clothes or ram the other woman 's car , but the consequences are not predictable .
3 Fold down one wire half to lie against the stem , wind the other half around stem and wire .
4 The end of the halyard goes through the end goes through the end fitting and then we tie a little stopper knot in the end , then we bring the other end of the halyard down and make it up tight on this crease at the bottom of the mast .
5 At this stage simply consider what you normally do but also review the other options that are open to you .
6 It should be surprising but liberating : and undermine the other ads in the commercial break .
7 ‘ Just go back to Lévy tomorrow and sell the other vase , ’ Jean-Claude told me rather conspiratorially when Félix had gone to his bucket .
8 Pick the other one up as well .
9 Beside him sit the other island dignitaries , the representatives of each of the six communities into which the island is divided .
10 Although the resolutions , one of which dealt exclusively with rape , were adopted without a vote , Islamic states and Bosnia itself spent more than an hour in an unsuccessful effort amend the other resolution , which condemned ethnic cleansing , by deleting a reference to ‘ violations by all sides to the conflict ’ .
11 Bend your lower leg slightly to support your spine and raise the other leg slowly to an angle of 45° .
12 Connect the other end of the mains cable to the terminal blocks inside the shower unit
13 ‘ If I make the other person happy then I feel great .
14 You ca n't be accused of whingeing and complaining when you make the other person aware that you can see the positive in the situation too .
15 By this they mean that people both avoid intruding upon each other 's territory ( physical territory , a particular field of knowledge , a friendship ) and also seek to enlarge the territory of others — in Lakoff 's terms , make the other person feel good — presumably on the assumption that the same will be done to them .
16 Make the other tentacles in the same way , varying the direction of the curve so that when assembled the tentacles branch out at different angles .
17 there you go I 've made half the effort you make the other half
18 But I 'll make , I 've got to make the other half of it , so when I make the other half of it he can probably have , er have a couple of jam ones
19 but it 's also linked , I mean the other thing that I 've got at the back of my mind , is a kind of nightmare , is that when we were talking about the Festival around about March that you know , we spoke to Ingy er you know as a group and then that was all fine and we kept er going along and then , and then there was that sort of dreadful phone call I had from Linda along the lines as I 'm not sure if I 've got any describers
20 Yes , I mean the other thing is if we are absolutely honest , which we should n't be with a microphone in front of us but , if we 're absolutely honest , you know this , this is a bit of work that we 're trying to make simple
21 As a group I mean the other thing that surprised me a bit , I , I spoke to Ken yesterday and said , how did you receive ?
22 Certainly not I mean the other issues as as Mr quite rightly says are air quality and the letter from the Inspectorate now says I understand that the measures taken by British Coal , and they 've moved on since September , the measures taken by British Coal are now to the satisfaction of the regulatory authority which for air quality is the District Council .
23 and , and sort of when can we have a script you know and you write it down and take thirty per cent of it , or whatever you know , erm , I mean the other thing that Alex has drawn er
24 I mean the other assumption that I did n't make until we were well into the thing was that this , the , the Friends Provident policy is actually the mortgage policy
25 I mean the other week she wanted to go to a school disco and I said look hang on n get your priorities right .
26 but Jack is so temperamental these days , I mean the other day he went by he said oh
27 The , I mean the other thing , have I , have I said that the new engine
28 They do n't like to do it what even in under those , I mean the other tooth 's nearly the same size , this is what happened with that tooth of mine there , I was
29 I mean the other morning I looked down and somebody had thrown up in the street
30 Visitors are welcome to milk the cows and pat the other friendly animals — children love it .
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