Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He claims these reptiles make superb pets as they sit incredibly still for hours and then go on the rampage — very much like Pest Control staff !
2 Fords and bridge sites often change little over the years and Watkins cites several examples of leys crossing rivers at fords .
3 Olsen has therefore concentrated on four periods when the paintings connect most directly with historic events : from 1797 to 1814 when Napoleon 's Empire imposed a kind of unity on the country ; from the restoration of the monarchy until mid century when historic Romanticism came into conflict with Realism and gradually waned as a moving force in Italian art ; the triumph of Realism in parallel with the rapid progress towards unification from 1849 to 1870 ; and the final period from 1870 until the end of the century when Realism evolved under wider European influences into Symbolism and Divisionism .
4 This partial detachment from natural appearances , which has already been seen in the landscapes of Picasso and Braque of 1908 , is one of the factors that distinguish most clearly their approach from that of Cézanne and other nineteenth-century artists , and even from the Fauves , whose vision , with the occasional exception of Matisse , despite the liberties they took with their subjects , was still conditioned by their instantaneous reactions to their surroundings .
5 Urban Development Corporations , the centrepiece of Mrs Thatcher 's urban policy , articulate most dramatically the current British government 's vision of city regeneration .
6 Signed to a major label , The Wedding Present sit rather awkwardly on the edge of acceptance into mainstream pop .
7 Few people admit to being inadequate in this area , most like to think that they communicate rather well .
8 I mean eventually eventually , sooner or later and it might be later if somebody else will still it has to come out of the profit margin .
9 I mean right now . ’
10 Only at the University of Dorpat , in Estonia , did the intellectual atmosphere change rather slowly .
11 You mean rather then the , the report ?
12 He uses language and imagery which communicate most precisely the truths he wishes to convey to a specific audience .
13 ( Where sounds correspond aurally yet the concept differs depending on the context , further confusion can arise .
14 I mean luckily enough , I went to junior school with him .
15 Oh , I know we 've no certificates , but we 're both quite good — you really dance jolly well , and it is n't likely that there 's anyone else at the game .
16 The Saturday Review rather patronizingly commented that it was ‘ agreeably written ’ , and ‘ recommended to general readers ’ .
17 From these figures it will be seen that High Court judges gain little financially from promotion .
18 In temperate regions , there is nothing like the exclusively frugivorous fruit pigeons of the tropics , but many temperate bird species eat little else in autumn and winter .
19 The li — the rites — they mean little now .
20 It is at these times that the ghosts flock most cordially to our summons . ’
21 I remain nervously aboard , to hear doctors exchanging advice on every deck : Doctor McRae recommends a diet of rice and yoghurt .
22 The success of this approach will depend on finding sequences for oligonucleotides that bind sufficiently well to viral genetic material to cripple the virus , and yet do not bind to normal cellular DNA or RNA .
23 At a few selected points , the particles crash together head-on , generating energy of an intensity matched only by the first moments of the explosion physicists believe created the universe .
24 As we have said , it 's not always possible to pin down the exact reason for Cystitis attacks , or why some women suffer so repeatedly .
25 So , ironically , while we prayed that rain would not blight our sale , we worked to help those who suffer so terribly from lack of rain .
26 Could this be because medics themselves suffer so grievously from the complaint , that they do not wish to talk or write about it ?
27 Equally problematic is Morgan 's other assumption : that systems of kinship terms change less easily than marriage systems , and that kinship terms can serve as an indication of what the marriage system was like in the past .
28 The eggs develop extremely rapidly ; within a remarkable 24 hours of being laid , the eggs will have hatched .
29 No other hypocrites in Shakespeare gain so much so quickly , so easily , and can afford to drop pretence so fast .
30 Boys gain only very slightly more ‘ A ’ levels than girls , and the gap is still closing .
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