Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] both " in BNC.

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1 They encompass all kinds of visual material and account for both the aesthetic and non-aesthetic response .
2 These ‘ needs ’ constitute sources of control because they provide for both incentives and disincentives : their satisfaction can be used to lure us into conformity , and the threat of their denial can be used to divert us from criminality .
3 Male 's rufous breast and female 's pure white throat are both unique features , while male is only sandgrouse with both chin and throat black — Crowned ( p. 167 ) has black chin and Black-bellied has black throat , but both are shorter-tailed .
4 When approached more rigorously , however , difficulties and disagreements soon appear from both political and practical perspectives .
5 There is after all , as they say in both Beijing and the KMT , ‘ only one China ’ , and Taiwan is part of it .
6 However I am pursuing that with the Property Services Department , who act for both the Council and the Board , and they have given authority for us to enter the land for the purpose of drilling bore-holes etc .
7 DRS/NX version 7 , its implementation of Unix System Laboratories Inc' System V.4.2 desktop operating system for iAPX-86 and Sparc systems , includes X/Open Co Ltd XPG4-compliance , multiprocessing support , and support for both OSF/Motif and Open Look interfaces .
8 DRS/NX version 7 , its implementation of Unix System Labs ' SVR4.2 desktop operating system for Intel and Sparc platforms , includes X/Open XPG4-compliance , multiprocessing support , and support for both OSF/Motif and Open Look interfaces .
9 After a period of training , co-counsellors are paired off , and thereafter act as both counsellor and client to each other .
10 Perhaps the most distinctive characteristic is the frequent presence of strong totemistic elements , ranging from a variety of traditional symbols for warding off the " evil eye " to specific tribal motifs ( usually of plant or animal derivation ) which act as both identifying " insignia " , and " talismen " to protect and increase the power of the tribe .
11 From what I can see , stagedivers consist of both ‘ nice ’ and ‘ nasty ’ people — the nasty attempting to cause as much pain as they possibly can by kicking and punching people as they land .
12 However , more detailed scientific forecasts of trends in heroin use depend upon both a theoretical model of the spread of heroin use , and data from two or more points in time to examine projected trends in heroin use .
13 You will appreciate that as Chairman I have not given up the fight to get as much financial aid and help as is possible to keep our heads above water ; we must fight to keep all that we hold dear and promote the Medau that we all benefit from both in health and fitness , and as teachers , financially .
14 Three-dimensional integrated geoscience mapping This project brings together research on both the handling of geological information and the combined modelling of a variety of geophysical datasets .
15 Given the pleasure and benefit to both men and women , why was it never a primary campaigning focus ?
16 The problems and costs of organizing transactions depend on both their nature and the assumed characteristics of decision-makers in the model .
17 But the private world , where people look for both their pleasure and their fulfilment , is a competing world of separate group allegiances , some of which happen to be religious .
18 This will undertake technical sales support , look after both SNI and Pyramid customers , and provide staff training .
19 The new location is also conducive to an easy lifestyle : ‘ Life is so simple , and the management company look after both the apartment and the garden .
20 Sure , there were specialist writers on individual sports who were of unimpeachable quality , but when it came to the Big Event , or the Big Interview , McIlvanney was the one whom we read with both pleasure and despair — emotions generated by the pride at being in the same trade as the main , and by the realization of his supremacy .
21 The immunoglobulin class of the anti-neutrophil antibody was almost exclusively IgG in both PSC and ulcerative colitis .
22 Activated macrophages are prominent in the inflammatory infiltrate in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease .
23 Most difficulties with the EC budget impinge upon both the expenditure and the revenue side .
24 I look at both my sewing and knitting as wonderful gifts that I will never tire of .
25 Plans cater for both an immediate accident and the long-term care of individuals who survive or are caught up in the disaster — including the rescuers .
26 You can see their minds were build that way because of the problems they get into both philosophically and technically .
27 You can see their minds were built that way because of the problems they get into both philosophically and technically .
28 I should now clarify that statement by rephrasing it : I adopted the only strategy open to me in order to preserve any sort of identity , however precarious , and in order to believe in myself as an individual being , separate from both the family and the school .
29 Egalitarian feminist psychologists draw on both feminist and psychological criticisms of gender imbalance among psychologists .
30 Theories of human word recognition allow for both bottom-up and top-down influences on processing .
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