Example sentences of "[det] way the " in BNC.

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1 Often people go on to say something apparently absurd like , ‘ But he said he 'd be home early tonight , ’ or ‘ But he never said goodbye ’ , as though in some way the person concerned knew he was going to die .
2 As to those who force horses forward with blows in such a case , they only inspire them with greater terror ; for they imagine , when they suffer any pain at such a time , that what they look upon with alarm is in some way the cause of it .
3 If two people meet socially , face to face , sooner or later one of them will speak , or acknowledge in some way the presence of the other — even if it 's only a nod .
4 The final chance of preventing virus replication beginning , is to inhibit in some way the uncoating stage where coat proteins of the virus dissociate from the genetic material they surround , The third anti-viral drug available now is a cage-like hydrocarbon amine molecule called amantadine , which seems to inhibit the uncoating of influenza viruses in some way .
5 It has been postulated that it was either the dinosaurs that opened up the way for the angiosperms , or instead it was the changing nature of the flora itself that was in some way the prime mover of evolutionary trends ; that , in spite of all the advances in jaw structure discussed above , they somehow speeded up trends towards extinction .
6 To talk of ‘ the family in industrial society ’ implies , as we have noted , that in some way the family has changed with the process of industrialization .
7 The perceptual distinctions we make are of the very stuff of our existence , and in some way the foundation of all else .
8 Perhaps a scientist suggests that in some way the bat 's ears are involved in its ability to avoid obstacles .
9 However , Mr. Philipson seeks in effect to draw a line down the centre of the Atlantic , and to suggest that in some way the supervisory operations of the Federal Reserve Board and those of the Bank of England are separate and unconnected .
10 The guardian ad litem takes the view that this decision is against the interests of the child and that in some way the inconvenience of the decision ought to be got round .
11 The way I have phrased this criterion implies that we should begin by looking for the biochemical and cellular changes and then on this basis seek the neurophysiological ones , and that in some way the neurophysiology is a mere incidental product of the biochemical and structural changes .
12 Although Tocqueville and Marx emphasized different features in the development of European and North American societies in the nineteenth century , they both recognized in some way the interplay of economic and political forces : Tocqueville by associating democracy with the values of an agricultural and commercial middle-class society , and by noting the possible implications of the incipient class divisions within manufacturing industry ; Marx by giving prominence to the political struggles of the working class as a movement to extend democracy , whether in his account ( in 1852 ) of the Chartist demand for universal suffrage as being , if realized , ‘ a far more socialist measure than anything which has been honoured with that name on the Continent ’ , or in his later analysis of the Paris Commune ( 1871 ) as a new form of democratic government , as ‘ the political form at last discovered under which to work out the emancipation of labour ’ .
13 In some way the one is in both of them equally .
14 Erm how do people sort of beco when you become a member of a group , usually in some way the group changes you as you go through different stages of it , your values may change as a result of interacting with people in the group and th this process of erm somebody 's come up with how it is that you start off in a group , how it is that you become an active member of a group , how it is you may even become involved in the maintenance of the group and the leadership of it and then you sort of die away and that 's the y'know retire from the group .
15 I think sometimes people who do n't actually work in schools imagine that the schools are managed , in the financial organisational sense , by the Local Education Authority , and that in some way the head of the school is merely concerned with discipline , curriculum and so on , but one has to bear in mind that the sheer size of some of these schools now makes the head a manager in a very real sense .
16 Another way the AX deceives is by the noise it makes , or rather the lack of it .
17 Put in another way the proposal is that a man should seek to know and fully understand the criteria which determine his thoughts and actions .
18 In other words their comprehension is at fault , or put another way the text they are using is too difficult for them .
19 To put it another way the obligation to deposit is an obligation of the tenant assumed by him qua tenant and it follows that the correlative obligation of the landlord is an obligation assumed by him qua landlord …
20 In this way the rudder is a very powerful influence on the spin recovery because it helps the pitching movement and also slows the rotation .
21 In this way the Association could counter the Left Wing Type Seminars [ sic ] which were often very one sided and misrepresentative of current Police views …
22 In this way the child learnt that it was in his own interest for the experimenter to go to the empty box .
23 This way the size of the kit increases gradually with no large cash outlay .
24 In this way the desired object has been achieved in the form of a signal variation which is the function of the external magnetic field strength .
25 To this extent and in this way the English distrust of the professional writer can and must be vindicated .
26 In this way the local communities can continue as collective organic wholes yet their continuing existence does not challenge , as it would in other systems , the external dictatorial force of the State .
27 In this way The Origin demonstrates a complete tie-up between politics , economics , kinship , and gender roles , and this view of all the different aspects of society as an essential whole is what gives The Origin its power .
28 In this way the British created the situation of the small farmer , destroyed him by taxation , and raised on his back a new exploiting class , the money lenders .
29 In this way the original window apertures ‘ read ’ satisfactorily as the high level ‘ extension ’ of lower , squatter openings , rather in the manner that , in the internal view of a cathedral nave , the triforium openings of the nave arcade are vertically extended and handsomely terminated by the high-level clerestory windows .
30 In this way the operations of the Bank and the IFC are complementary .
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