Example sentences of "[det] than [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Subsidiarity is an old doctrine from German Catholic social philosophy and has far more to do with this than with constitutional theory .
2 Sleek , sexy styles need body and bounce and what better way to achieve this than with heated curlers — they 've been a girls best friend for decades .
3 The great majority of its members were more attracted to this than to the abuse from the Communists or to the dissensions of the ILP .
4 ‘ It is more difficult to be precise about this than about the earlier phases , partly because the pictures are rarer and less accessible , and have not been adequately photographed , partly because it includes considerable variations . ’
5 He felt more uneasy about this than about borrowing cars , but considered that the reason he wanted the money for was worthy : not as if it was coke or ciggies or similar self-indulgence .
6 The fourth principle is that ‘ personal data held for any purpose or purposes shall be adequate , relevant and not excessive in relation to that purpose or those purposes ’ — and there is more to this than at first meets the eye .
7 At least one can make more sense of this than in our first two cases .
8 The anatomy is also more strongly stressed in this than in the earlier statue , perhaps to tell against reflections in the shiny metal ; and this is something that becomes even more marked in succeeding generations .
9 Local hierarchy did not always read off academic excellence as the desired end of local practice , so that there was less concern in these rural areas for the fate of the top few than for that of the majority .
10 Discrimination between individuals consists in making it easier for some than for others to realize their ideals of the good .
11 If these underground emotions came to the surface all at once , they would shatter our existence , but fortunately they come upon us gradually — more so for some than for others .
12 This habit is more natural to some than to others , but conscious discipline is needed to extend it into every aspect of the farm .
13 This may come more naturally and easily to some than to others , but it is possible that where a prolonged conscious effort has been made to tap this creative source , greater understanding and appreciation result than where only little work has been needed .
14 Though in some ways Colin was quite close to his drivers — closer to some than to others — he was , in financial matters , something of a cheese-parer and though his sponsors were generally reasonably generous , even at the height of Lotus 's reputation he neither enjoyed the kind of largesse available to some teams nor , with his many other commitments and his fairly flamboyant life style , could devote all of what he did receive to his team .
15 Along with this imaginative , inspirational side of the mind goes the capacity — better developed in some than in others — for intuition .
16 The implication is that the fuse for type I diabetes is lit early in life but may burn faster in some than in others .
17 POU-homeodomains are more closely related to one another than to other homeodomain proteins ( 1 ) and can interact weakly with DNA .
18 All cells in a daughter plant are descended from a single spore cell , so all cells in a given plant are closer cousins ( or whatever ) of one another than of any cell in another plant .
19 Centromeres are portions of the DNA that hold the two halves of a divided chromosome together , and it is reasonable to suppose that the centromeres of a given species would be more like one another than like the centromeres of another species .
20 The shutters ' anchor points had to be welded to the hull and , especially at the stern where the windows wrapped round Wavebreaker 's counter , the bolts looked intrusive and ugly , but better that than to be a good-looking boat fifty fathoms down and still sinking .
21 Instead of manufacturer 's servicing it 's just an oil change and level check , that 's all it is , every three months , three thousand miles , because bearing in mind that these vehicles will be over five years and sixty thousand miles it 's less onerous to the customer to have that than to be forced into having a manufacturer service which they probably ca n't afford .
22 Dickens 's Will Fern , with first-hand knowledge of life inside one , complains of this female tendency : ‘ It looks well in a picter , I 've heerd say ; but there a n't weather in picters , and maybe ‘ t is fitter for that than for a place to live in . ’
23 ‘ Guys like Stefan and Boris will be more pumped up for that than for a preparation tournament . ’
24 They were lovers now , and he preferred today to dwell on that than on the knottier problems .
25 ‘ I just want to play regular football and I do n't think there 's a better place to do that than at Goodison . ’
26 I kept hoping the foreman would notice , but he did n't ; there was some meeting going on and he seemed more concerned with the fact that all the bosses were going to that than in what we were doing . ’
27 The gradual assimilation of minority nationalities , moreover , has operated less to the advantage of the Russian population as such than to the advantage of the larger nationalities in general , Russians included .
28 Glucose adsorption from HYPO-ORS and RS-ORS was almost identical and was less from either than from WHO-ORS ( p<0.004 ) .
29 In the legislative elections which took place on the same day , Jawara 's People 's Progressive Party ( PPP ) secured 25 of the 36 directly elected seats in the House of Representatives , six fewer than at dissolution .
30 The total number killed was 16 fewer than at the same time last year .
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