Example sentences of "[det] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well if you 'd have seen that I mean I and she sleeps in the airing cupboard she 's now started to get in there , but she 's half out on the landing .
2 He was admiring a stylish flower arrangement , observing how cunningly a spray of jasmine had been made to tremble half in , half out of the vase and trail against the console table , when the girl came back and told him Mr Vigo would see him now .
3 Her office was now marked by a frieze of officers , two lounging half in and half out of her door , a third a little behind , the attention of all three directed entirely towards her desk .
4 By swinging his legs he was at last able to make painful progress , so that eventually he was half in and half out of the building .
5 He is an old man who Mr Browning met in the burning streets of Florence last month half out of his wits and with nowhere to go his wife having thrown him out for what reason I do not know .
6 The hull was unrecognisable as such ; half out of water it became unidentifiable debris .
7 Clearing the gap in the reef , the patrol boat drove into a wave and leapt half out of the water like a giant grey killer whale .
8 I went down on hands and knees , half in and half out of the doorway , with an excuse ready of looking for a coin I 'd dropped .
9 It was another Glory and it had been abandoned , half in and half out of a ditch .
10 Half in and half out of the window , Jack looked down at the scene below him in disappointment .
11 She 's very genuine , very funky and extremely free with herself — a little crazy , half out of her mind , but very amusing .
12 I could also see the rock that Neil had pointed out to me , still half out of water .
13 When Defries pulled herself over the projecting fragments of glass and into the cockpit , Daak was still half out of the pilot 's seat , staring at Ace 's back and her wind-whipped hair .
14 What they saw by the further light of a bicycle lamp was a chamber about six feet square and the opening of two pipes , half in and half out of the water-level on opposite walls .
15 I wo , I would like to go back to the days of my youth when we at Hogmanay there was usually frost and and and ice , and er we used to celebrate it partly on skates and it was great fun when you skated perhaps a mile and a half out of the town , and er er had a lovely ice festival and then we skated back and we had
16 The mouse jumped half out of the water and looked at her angrily .
17 He remained like that for a few seconds longer , while they tied his wrists to a pair of iron rings bolted into the wall , and then they let him go and left him dangling there — half in , half out of the river .
18 She saw it lying at her feet , half out of the opened envelope .
19 Okay so nine twelfths would be enough to make make a half out of the six twelfths .
20 Make a half we 'd make a half out of the six twelfths and then we 'd have three left over make a quarter so it 'd be a half add a quarter that 's what nine twelfths would come to .
21 Half in , half out of the water opposite me was a greyish mass .
22 ‘ You are n't half out of date , ’ said Constance .
23 " Lagoon " is a bit grand : it 's really just a big old swamp , surrounded by droopy trees with their roots half in and half out of the water .
24 Then , half in , half out of the car , he suddenly became very still .
25 I WOKE UP in a terrarium , half in and half out of a stagnant pool .
26 It was already half out of his purse .
27 Perry 's fags lay half out of their packet on the table , but I do not want to smoke .
28 Whatever it was , it sent her flying ; one minute she was up , the next lying in an uncomfortable heap , half in , half out of a pile of brambles that was growing around the base of a tree in a haphazard , choking sort of way .
29 Half in and half out of the cabin door , she watched the approach of three figures .
30 His right foot , Robert noted , was half in and half out of his slipper .
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