Example sentences of "[det] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even if one belongs to a group because of who one 's mother was and not because of who one 's father was , this in no ways implies that women have particularly high ( or low ) status in that group .
2 But this in no way excused his crime .
3 Such studies were inconclusive , but this in no way diminished the influence of the idea that excessive sexual urges in a woman would be linked to the size of her clitoris .
4 We said that this in no way lessens the grief , but it does perhaps help us prepare for the event .
5 But this in no way implies selfish sufficiency , licence , or isolation .
6 This may be able to identify some sort of ‘ fit ’ between the social and economic characteristics of a city and its public policy , but this in no sense explains that policy .
7 But this in no way negates the importance of understanding the role which all these people play in the context of curriculum change , for while the picture of an obscurantist inspector or manager eager to discourage the innovative teacher is one which is often conjured up by teachers themselves as an excuse for inaction , it can be all too true .
8 The behaviour of the buffaloes , the kakar , of Jim Corbett himself , and the hunting plans of the tigress all tell us this in no uncertain terms .
9 Hilary had inherited his father 's almost silver hair and fair colouring , but while in the father this in no way detracted from an appearance of strength , it accentuated the child 's look of frailty .
10 This in no way trivialises these consequences , but we would still strive to stop rape , even if the social consequences were not detrimental to the victims .
11 While a corollary of the new deal may be that some consultants will have to take a more direct role in the acute management of patients , this in no way diminishes the attraction of a senior post .
12 Even allowing for Schnabel 's inferior technique , Solomon has a much finer grasp of structure , yet this in no way hinders his poetic insight into the work .
13 This in no reason for banning RU 486 in Britain , ’ says the FPA .
14 The letter implies that some of these nuns were themselves leading immoral lives but this in no way exonerated Aethelbald in Boniface 's eyes .
15 This in no way underestimates the contribution of families to the welfare of their members : nor does it diminish the importance of care in the community .
16 We got through this in no time .
17 All of this in no way affects the ability to make a contract for the sale of future goods .
18 This in no way limited the cut-and-thrust of political disagreement .
19 This in no way implies a relaxed attitude towards sexual liaisons .
20 Therefore as well as it being a problem of development within the flood plain it is also a problem of development beyond the flood plain and as well as development and I er think this in no way intending to spread the blame , but is a , is a er an observation which er I think is quite clear and that is that farming practices erm can have both beneficial and adverse effects on water regimes
21 This in no way is meant to lessen the significance and importance of help which we have received from our other supporters which is very much appreciated .
22 Mr Hyam can choose not to pay the service charge or pay it under duress , stating so , but to complain like this in a magazine read by thousands is unfair and childish .
23 Attempt this in a gentle turn as well , and in a gentle turn with a little too much rudder .
24 But is this in a rather different sense to that in which the papacy understands itself ?
25 If it is to do this in a more precise , less trade-distorting way , it is bound to be less helpful to big and efficient farms than to small ones .
26 Sears is challenging this in a case now before a Denver appeals court .
27 Usually they do this in a last-minute scramble , giving the new chief no time to prepare .
28 Richard Cecil dealt with this in a sermon that in its day was much admired and was published with the title , A Friendly Visit to the House of Mourning :
29 On the other hand , you do n't produce something like this in a week and the time taken would deter all but the most committed workshop man .
30 And this in a house which , under Vittorio Gui in the 1950s , played a pioneering part in the Rossini revival .
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