Example sentences of "[det] set [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Some set up agricultural communities where they could take refuge from public contempt for ‘ conchies ’ and convince themselves that their experiments in communal living would , once ‘ the grim period of war is over … be remembered as the forerunner of the new society . ’
2 Some set up their own stalls selling quail egg sandwiches or thimble-sized glasses of juice .
3 Before we once-and-for-all set up our new tank ( and next month look at tank decor ) , it 's a sign of the times that we have to pause and consider the single most important item in our tank — water .
4 When women do try to make such claims , this sets up predictable antagonisms between brothers and sisters .
5 A particular field in one table can appear in another table , even if everything else in the second table is different ; this sets up a relationship between the tables — hence the name — which can be exploited by the database manager .
6 This sets up a desirable chain of movements so giving a correct position at the top of the backswing which allows the player to swing the clubhead back to the ball on the right path , that is , from inside-to-straight , or as a theory has it , from in-to-out .
7 This sets up Charge Code 0001 as the directory pointed to by the system-wide logical name LSTRAIN_CC0001 , and all material whose name is reserved under that Charge Code will reside in that directory for it 's life cycle .
8 Now this will affect a vast area of atmosphere , because the air moving over that sea surface tends to take up the characteristics and if the temperature 's higher on the sea surface than normal , the air becomes warmer than normal , and this sets up all sorts of reactions , it will probably produce a lot more clouds , for instance , and erm this in turn will cut off the sun 's rays from that area of atmosphere , and this will have an effect on the whole erm heat engine of the atmosphere as we know it so erm we 're now studying how far afield this is affecting the weather .
9 This sets out to offer the full range of Fluka products alongside those of Sigma and Aldrich , but at a scale and price more appropriate to the needs of pilot or development plant , clinical trial or production level , while maintaining the very high levels of quality and service for which all three companies are renowned .
10 This sets out to describe the client 's position within the marketplace : brand shares and trends in brand share ; product advantages and disadvantages over competition — both in physical terms ( laboratory test and blind consumer test ) and in terms of consumer opinions and attitudes ; planned and possible product improvements ; recent marketing activity , in relation to that of competitors .
11 This sets out what the EEB believes to be the major priorities for the European Community during the period of the presidency .
12 This sets out a number of projects which reflect the common aims and interests of our two organisations , in support of which CCW provides an important , annually-renewable grant .
13 This sets out the objective in each area and at each stage and so may be appropriate for a long or complex assignment .
14 This sets out issues to consider and actions to take at the planning stage and during the engagement .
15 This sets out the draft proposals and erm will after this meeting go to all members of the Council for them to go through with a toothcomb as well as you .
16 This sets out the basic principles upon which courts must decide issues relating to the upbringing of children .
17 This sets out the fundamental principles which should inform good social work practice and explains how local authorities should translate legal requirements into practice .
18 At present we 're limited by the powers available under the Trustee Investment Acts nineteen sixty-one , this sets out the amounts which we may invest in narrow and wide ranges of investment .
19 Neural therapy aims at restoring the resting potential of depolarized cells by the injection of small amounts of local anaesthetic ( procaine or xylocaine ) which carries a charge of around + 290 mV , and this sets off a chain of events which aids the restoration of cellular function .
20 Definite seasonal variations occur , because of various factors , with the temperature of the water as the main influence , and this sets off a chain ( ecological succession ) of natural events , which can be learned only by experience .
21 As earnest of its intentions , the new Soviet government established a People 's Commissariat of Nationalities ( Narkomnats ) under Stalin 's direction , and this set up commissions for the main nationalities .
22 You could also add Rainbow Cichlids ( Herotilapia multispinosa ) to this set up .
23 Set the temperature to a degree or two higher than that of the maintenance tank and place the female in this set up for a time to associate herself with the layout and hiding places .
24 On first impression it looks like the builders have managed to enclose Malham Cove , such is the scale of this set up .
25 After considerable lobbying , the Television Act was passed in 1954 and this set up the Independent Television Authority ( ITA ) to supervise a federal structure of commercially funded television companies , each serving a different region or market .
26 One wonders how he would have versified this set up .
27 This set up a Civil Rights Commission empowered to assist blacks to exercise their right to vote .
28 This set up a national Poor Law Commission to superintend the system , and formed the parishes into groups known as poor law unions .
29 This set up an Audit Commission for local authorities in England and Wales .
30 This set up the General Teaching Council for Scotland to deal with the training , registration and professional conduct of Scottish teachers .
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