Example sentences of "[det] case [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Anthony Storr 's project , in this collection of essays , is to use psychoanalytical principles to show how in each case weakness produced strength .
2 One interpretation was based on the fact that in each case memory appeared to be best for situations which accorded with the subjects ’ expectations about the junction , an attempt to test this was made by considering subjects ’ ratings for how normal the situation was .
3 In each case rebleeding was seen to take place below the staple line , suggesting perhaps that while the oesophageal transection was satisfactory better results could conceivably be obtained with a more radical gastric devascularisation .
4 In each case expenditure on the project would qualify for EC grant assistance , and there would be significant private sector investment .
5 William II , Henry I and Stephen all won the throne by holding rivals at bay , and in each case warfare played its part ; in Henry 's case the battle of Tinchebrai ( 1106 ) enabled him to imprison his elder brother for life and made him secure in Normandy as well as in England ( see pp. 289 ff . ) .
6 In each case lawyer C refused to translate .
7 Each case study will be modelled using a computerised vehicle routing and scheduling package ( PARAGON ) , together with a depot location package ( PADLOC ) .
8 In each case sequencing confirmed a single sequence and an in frame translation product with the expected type III repeat junctions .
9 In each case Rain confessed ignorance and left explanations to Rosie who was in a chatty mood .
10 In these papers , all kinds of non- and extra-philosophical activities become the basis for philosophical reflection , for instance menstruation and childbirth ( Brenda Almond 's paper ) ; a gut reaction to pornography ( Alison Assiter 's paper ) ; the fantasies that disturb because of their apparently unfeminist nature Jean Grimshaw 's paper ) ; and nonviolent demonstrations against missile bases ( Anne Seller 's paper ) ; the point in each case being that these experiences are the starting point , because their importance did not seem to be recognised within the theoretical categories already provided , and so urgently impel the theorist to work out categories that are more adequate .
11 I assume that in each case time in custody before trial is counted as part of the period before the first review .
12 In that case ACT would have been paid at source but there would be no additional charge .
13 There had been some very successful case-managed projects- the first of which was the Kent community care projects The evaluative work of David Challis and Bledyyn Davies shows that case management with devolved budgets , giving field workers much more responsibility to over resources can be very , very successful on almost every criterion .
14 There is agreement , certainly in the mental health field ( Huxley , 1991a ) that case management works best when its purpose is clearly articulated in the form of service goals ; the outcome measures used actually assess progress in these target areas ; the theoretical model and content of the programme are consistent with the service goals ; and case management is focused on a narrowly defined target group of those most in need .
15 But in that case premultiplication by A gives 0 = AXp = Xp so that p provides a relation different from p between the columns of X , which is impossible .
16 The committee would be likely to consider a suggestion by Lord Donaldson that case separation might be needed where the public had an interest in the outcome of a case but it would also play a role as representative of those who actually used legal services , he said .
17 Well in that case sir can you get the committee then please ?
18 Well in that case sir can I take my my committal to Preston Crown Court and when I go to Birmingham
19 Well in that case sir can you give the committee the funds .
20 Schroeder however does appear to equate unreasonableness with oppression but it is suggested that it was not laying down any principle to that effect : it so happened that on the facts in that case unreasonableness and oppression both existed .
21 In Ministère Public v. Deserbais ( Case 286/86 ) [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 4907 , 4926 , para. 18 the court concluded from that case law that :
22 It was expected that case law would give rise to sufficient precedents to flesh out the relatively few guidelines available under UCTA , but in fact cases have been few and not very helpful .
23 In that case ownership will not pass to the buyer before the seller has himself succeeded in acquiring that ownership .
24 There is , first , the relationship between rich and poor nations , which may be conceived in terms of neo-imperialism and dependency ( but in that case imperialism has to be seen in a wider perspective than that which treats it exclusively as a stage in the development of capitalism , important though this latter process is ) , or in terms of the current preoccupation with a ‘ North-South dialogue ’ , which is today more a confrontation than a dialogue .
25 Any further interests , no , in that case councillor .
26 In that case Councillor has .
27 In that case design loses its context .
28 In that case Radio Telefis Eireann ( the Irish broadcasting monopoly , ‘ RTE ’ ) refused to license the copyright in its weekly programme listings so as to allow the publication in Ireland of a comprehensive weekly television guide .
29 In that case Engineering and Chemicals Supplies Limited ( ECS ) , a small producer of organic peroxides , alleged that the UK subsidiary of Akzo , a large Dutch multinational company , had abused its dominant position in the relevant market by implementing a policy of selective and below cost price-cutting designed to damage ECS 's business and to exclude it as a competitor from the specialised sub-market in the flour additives sector in the UK and the Republic of Ireland .
30 In that case nature would be capable of wilful deception and all scientific investigation would be a waste of time .
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