Example sentences of "[det] way to " in BNC.

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1 Character and/or National styles of ballet can be linked in some ways to that of demi - caractère .
2 Similar in some ways to clairvoyance , but it mainly involves communicating with somebody else without using normal senses .
3 And there were fine Boiotian historians : Anaxis and Daimachos of Plataia are only names , but the Oxyrhynchos Historian , who was perhaps a Boiotian , deserves in some ways to be put beside the Athenian Thucydides , whose continuator he was .
4 It is a process analogous in some ways to story-telling , where the point is made precisely through a sacrifice of the kind of literalness and explicitness which the logician , by the nature of his training , tends to regard as the ultimate requirement of clarity , and indeed an intrinsic feature of truth .
5 They perhaps correspond in some ways to those of our new friend , Mr Bodenland .
6 But the second degree expressed outwardly in giving up the world with a heart wholly centred on Christ , seems to correspond in some ways to both the insuperable and inseparable stages of The Form and like them gives way to a third stage when the contemplative sees into heaven and is filled with the joy Rolle expresses as song : " prayers turnes intil joyful sange , and thoghtes to melody " ( 69.284 – 5 ) .
7 introduced you may be er in some ways to us , which would you prefer to be in .
8 in some ways to though , I mean I can understand I think people , some people
9 Sir Kenneth Newman — then commandant — suggests that the book 's claim to attention is that its contents are contributed by insiders ; while in their introduction , the authors claim it goes some way to challenging Holdaway 's claim ( 1979 ) that ‘ research from the Police Staff College has not resulted in a major project on the police ’ .
10 But the electrophysiological examples I have described go some way to countering Wittgenstein 's negative assertion : ‘ No supposition seems to me more natural than that there is no process in the brain correlated with associating or with thinking ; so that it would be impossible to read off thought-processes from brain-processes ’ ( Zettel , paragraph 608 , Anscombe 's translation , 1967 ) .
11 The pointes must not be thought of as a prop on which to balance the body , but as an extra dimension to make dramatic sense of a statement about the character on pointes and/or to relate in some way to the story or theme .
12 Terry Eagleton came some way to acknowledging this , in a quasi-refutation of his Althusserian phase , when he included himself among the English Marxist intellectuals who ‘ managed the difficult dialectical trick of appropriating certain Althusserian concepts in blithe ignorance or disregard of their guilty political context . ’
13 Taxing problems The arrest of the former head of the Mexican Treasury 's personnel section may go some way to explaining why government departments always appear to be overstaffed , but incapable of offering decent service .
14 Luxemburg does not contribute to the Air component , but all the others contribute in some way to both .
15 Filmmakers were constricted as to subject matter by the requirement that their films contribute in some way to the war effort .
16 Last night , Mr Robinson said Mr Brooke 's speech had gone some way to getting dialogue ‘ back on the rails . ’
17 Although the Brady debt initiative has gone some way to potentially alleviating the debt problems of Chile , Colombia , Costa Rica , Mexico and Uruguay — those countries which have made serious adjustments — two of the biggest debtors , Brazil and Argentina , remain outside the ring .
18 New observations go some way to patching up that discrepancy but also bring difficulties of their own .
19 They have gone some way to healing their internal rifts .
20 Europe , not the States , was still the mecca , and many shopping trips by eager Scousers willing to supply the demand in their home city went some way to doing this .
21 It is a humdrum enough explanation which goes some way to explaining why most public appointments are so dull .
22 This is what the gaunt , red-eyed old lady had told them ; and of course Charsky , needing to draw close in some way to his dead father , wanted to try it out .
23 The replacement of Mr Burbulis , which the decree said was at his own request , will go some way to placating those in both the liberal and conservative camps annoyed by his somewhat high-handed manner .
24 Its cover goes some way to explaining its theme : an immaculately manicured female hand crushing a pair of golf balls .
25 It is difficult to avoid the comparison with present day Germany in relation to the other states of the EC and the quotation goes some way to explaining the motives for closer integration .
26 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
27 But through sensitive playing and a warm humorous script by Bennett , the play went some way to portraying the normality of life with a daughter who is ‘ not quite right ’ .
28 It would have been impossible to predict the way events developed after October 1917 , and the policy of the Party seemed on numerous grounds to be the most sensible , the only one which went some way to reconciling the need for large economic units ( which , rightly or wrongly , was assumed to be decisive for material progress ) and for democracy , understood as the right of peoples to choose their own State .
29 This train of thought could go some way to explaining why he is one of the top commercial directors in Britain , the man responsible for such successful ad campaigns as Guinness , Nurofen , British Airways and Gallo Wine , who , reputedly , can earn as much as 100,000 per commercial .
30 The social relations of production under which land is used is a key and pervasive element in the explanation of soil erosion ; it also goes some way to explaining the nature of the state — which intervenes and influences the use of land in all sorts of ways .
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