Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] been " in BNC.

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1 She 's always been my mother I 've hated or been ashamed of .
2 The side of the car opposite the landing stage , rustily flimsy at best , had fallen or been pushed away , leaving a jagged edge all round .
3 She had either fallen or been pushed on to a spike on the plough ; the level of her blood alcohol gave some credence to the idea that she had fallen .
4 Prisoners and wounded were few , most of those who had fallen or been disarmed being killed as they tried to surrender or lay helpless on the battlefield .
5 It was not immediately clear whether she had fallen or been murdered .
6 Looms are most frequently indicated by loom-weights , annular in form , for weighing down the warp threads on upright looms ; they are occasionally found in rows in the base of sunken buildings where they may have fallen or been taken off the loom , or originally stacked in a column .
7 One or more drops of blood must have fallen or been spilt from the weapon before Harry fell and had then been smeared along the carpet as the body was dragged against the wall .
8 By nightfall on this first day of the battle , about 60,000 British troops , nearly half the original attack force , had fallen or been taken prisoner .
9 Mary had fallen or been pushed into an open fire , more than once .
10 The great difficulty with music-hall and vaudeville , and this is a point of crucial significance to movie historians , is that they have earned or been given a very special place in the popular memory and in social history by those who recall with great fondness those heady pre-1914 days .
11 ‘ Subject to sections 7 and 8 below , a person who has become a rehabilitated person for the purposes of this Act in respect of a conviction shall be treated for all purposes in law as a person who has not committed or been charged with or prosecuted for or convicted of or sentenced for the offence or offences which were the subject of that conviction ; and , notwithstanding the provisions of any other enactment or rule of law to the contrary , but subject as aforesaid —
12 And to argue , as some theorists have done , that the class has dissolved or been integrated into the bourgeoisie would be to abandon the hope of a proletarian revolution heralding the end of capitalism .
13 The large number of Cabinet ministers who have resigned or been dismissed have not been a focus for dissent .
14 It seems entirely possible that it is to this period — roughly from 873/1468 ( or perhaps earlier ) to 878/1473–4 — that the Muftilik of Abdulkerim belongs , that he succeeded Fahreddin Acemi on the latter 's death and must then later have resigned or been removed from the Muftilik , perhaps to make way for Molla Husrev when he returned from Bursa .
15 There seem in fact , however , to be two exceptions to this general rule , namely Molla Yegan , who almost certainly resigned the office , and Abdulkerim , who must either have resigned or been removed from it if the facts given in the he was appointed Mufti in the time of Mehmed II and died in the time of Bayezid II — are correct .
16 One may summarize the conclusions reached with respect to , and within the terms of , the traditional account of the Muftilik as follows : ( a ) that Fahreddin Acemi remained as Mufti , whether in Edirne or Istanbul , until his death , which occurred probably not later than 873/1468 ; ( b ) that he was succeeded by Abdulkerim , who seems likely to have resigned or been removed about 878/1473–4 ; ( c ) that Molla Husrev succeeded to the office about 878/1473–4 and held it until his death in 885/1480–1 ; ( d ) that he was succeeded by Molla Gurani in 885/1480–1 ( but cf. below , pp. 144–6 , 150 ) , who retained the office until his death in 893/1488 ; and ( e ) that Molla Arab succeeded Molla Gurani in that year and remained Mufti until his death in 901/1495–6 .
17 Opposition MPs claimed that there had been only one small bookmaker in favour and that everyone else had either objected or been neutral .
18 The Transactions of the local Archaeological , Antiquarian or Historical Society , or specialist local histories often refer to features in the landscape such as stones or holy wells which have since vanished or been forgotten about .
19 Issued , it 's written when you fill in the application form or submit it , it 's issued once it 's been underwritten or been accepted by the drug dealer if you like .
20 IF you have had problems with operations being cancelled or been waiting too long for an operation , please contact the EADT newsdesk on 0473 282387 .
21 One way and another , it appears that the search for a new chief executive for IBM Corp is not going too well as one after another , the most fancied candidates declare that they are non-runners — so long after their names were first widely canvassed in the press that they leave the strong impression that they have considered or been considered for the job , but after having looked into it , decided that they would n't touch it with a bargepole : latest to declare his belated non-candidacy is former Hewlett-Packard Co chief executive John Young , who says he is ‘ definitely not a candidate ’ — ‘ He 's enjoying retirement , ’ said a Hewlett spokeswoman ; all attention is now focussed on the thought-to-be front runners that have n't ruled themselves out — Paul Stern , recently retired chairman and tough manager of Northern Telecom Ltd , who could be planning to repeat his double act at that company with another former IBMer , Edward Lucente , who has also just resigned from Northern Telecom ; the other two whose odds have shortened are George Fisher , chairman and chief executive of Motorola Inc , Morton Myerson , chairman of Perot Systems Corp , and Louis Gerstner , head of RJR Nabisco Co ; industry sources told Reuter that the name of Michael Armstrong keeps coming up within IBM — but he quit only a year ago , and has just taken the top job at Hughes Aircraft Co .
22 At that time the party seemed to have many of the characteristics of a party which did not expect to win elections : it had changed its leadership only a few weeks before the general election was called , Lansbury having resigned and been replaced by Attlee on a temporary basis ; and it suffered from a good deal of internal factionalism , and found its major policy demand — collective security through the League of Nations — ‘ scooped ’ by Stanley Baldwin , the Prime Minister .
23 Some firms have claimed and been allowed deposit interest as earned income while others have had their claim disallowed and the interest has been treated as unearned investment income .
24 The carnage endured in the last 20 years or so has mainly arisen not from what we from the mainland have done and/or been alleged to do , but from the conflict brought about by ineradicable sectarian fears and ambitions .
25 The council claimed planning permission had never been sought or been granted , but in 1984 told SPAG that they were unable to take action on this issue as the statutory period of five years within which action could be taken had passed .
26 Well , my first job came during four weeks of my last term at RADA when I had applied and been chosen for a television play called It 's Too Late to Talk to Billy which was set in Belfast — which is where I came from originally .
27 Back in 1980 , Hall had met and been befriended by Eddie Murphy and , by the time The Late Show failed , the two had made Coming to America .
28 Throughout his travels he had met and been impressed by fellow globetrotters from China , and had slowly formulated a plan to create a thorough visual documentation of Chinese civilisation .
29 A renowned ( albeit not a very successful ) crusader who had been on three expeditions , he had met and been entertained by the ablest monarchs in Europe .
30 To Bobby Hunt , Minton wrote : ‘ We 've done and been done by Venice , Padua , Rome , Florence and now on the Côte , dare I say d'Azur .
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