Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The crops were stacked right up to the roof ridge , or close to it , so using almost all the roof space .
2 Dependence on each of these drugs was also recognized rather slowly and perhaps reluctantly .
3 This waistcoat had flap-pockets and reached down almost to the knees : it was fastened right up to the neck with horse-shoe buttons , leaving just enough space for the red-spotted muffler or wrapper to be seen underneath .
4 The dinghy had floated right down to him and he had used his last reserves of energy to clamber into it .
5 Over 4500km of roads , four towns , an airport , railway , a port , schools and hospitals were built , the pulp mill came from Japan and was floated thence up the Amazon .
6 He spoke numerous languages , had travelled widely abroad , and was delighted by the prospect of our filming either the Toraja or the Bugis , though he expressed some misgivings about sailing any distance with the latter .
7 ‘ Your penis would have broken right off inside her and I mean that quite literally .
8 I can remember waiting some minutes before walking through the house , knowing that there must be proof of burglary at the back door , and when I got there in an uncomprehending state , lo and behold the kitchen door was broken right down !
9 The legislation was resented bitterly enough by the Netherlands to lead to a war in which the English Republic was able to assert itself against the Dutch Republic .
10 By 9 January 1177 he had besieged Dax , which had been held against him by the Viscount of Dax and Bigorre , and taken it ; he had besieged Bayonne , which the Viscount of Bayonne had held against him , and taken it ; he had marched right up to " the Gate of Spain " at Cize and there he had captured and demolished the castle of St Pierre .
11 The nettles were bolder , they bravely marched right up to her very door bringing their friends the docks with them .
12 The Warlords had already marched right out of the arena .
13 Depending on how the aircraft is flown , if the mixture is leaned right off , fuel burn will go down to about 80 gallons an hour , but at maximum take-off power the aircraft will burn almost 300 gallons an hour , which at one gallon ever 12 seconds is quicker than one can get water out of a household tap !
14 It has fallen most heavily and for the longest periods on the most vulnerable members of society , with a particular concentration on the young , and on unskilled or semi-skilled workers .
15 It is in the ‘ inner cities ’ that conurbation employment has fallen most steeply , and that greater social sorting produces concentrations of poorer people , with distinctive ethnic and family structures , as in social geography texts .
16 Many blame the Clinton administration 's bent for regulating business : health-care stocks have fallen most brutally .
17 In other words , unemployment has fallen most sharply in those areas where it was least severe .
18 Rates have fallen most sharply in the South East , where the going rate now averages £3.80 a week , £1.40 less than last year .
19 Another of UnivEd 's functions is the formation of campus companies through which products and processes discovered by staff can be developed commercially together with industrial partners .
20 If satisfied that everything has been completed successfully then it should be dated in the Completion Confirmed on Date section of the form .
21 Once this stage has been completed successfully then stage three is implemented .
22 The lack of a goalkeeper was exposed most harshly at Felton on Saturday .
23 Vowels are recognized most effectively as part of the pattern and rhythm of the whole sentence .
24 Help them to stick up for themselves and see that it is not worth being treated badly just in order to have a best friend .
25 The words were gathered somewhere else ,
26 She left the Tyne yesterday for six days of sea trials and ‘ our worry is that it will not come back to the river but will be completed somewhere else in the UK ’ , he said .
27 Three British women were thrown through the bookshop window , arrested , taken into custody and treated rather badly .
28 I think that black kids are treated rather badly in this school , for example , there are less black kids in the ‘ A ’ band .
29 Originally intended to be three volumes , it expanded to four , and there is still scope for more , particularly as the termites are treated rather briefly .
30 They have n't revealed their presence because our solar system is being treated rather like a nature reserve — that they do n't want to interpose themselves and spoil a very classic example of study of a lesser civilization growing up .
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