Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh pn] the " in BNC.

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1 Leeming had written that no member of the party had any idea why they were kidnapped or who the kidnappers were .
2 Now the main target of the attack were the , the local tyrants , the evil gentry and the , the lawless landlords , people who 'd previously held power before who the peasants , or who the communists were trying to , to take the power away from , they , they were people who were it was possible to motivate the peasants against er again phrasing everything , er the people are evil , you know , that they , they were tyrants .
3 Caduta , wife of the erring Lorne Guyland , rival to the busty Butch Beausoleil , mother of the greedy , thieving , addicted Christopher Meadowbrook or Spunk Davis or Nub Forkner or whoever the hell we ended up with .
4 Should not one of the objectives of our privatisation programme be to give British Coal , or whoever the private company may be , the freedom to produce electricity from its coal and to sell that electricity through the national grid ?
5 We get the husband , or whoever the jealous party was , bounding into the boudoir and catching 'em copulating .
6 that means little or no calculation required for you ( or whoever the moderator is ) , aside from collating team scores and positions etc .
7 The sober intentions of his book were very different from the novels , plays and films which have created a mythical figure in modern culture of the artist as isolated and neglected , recognised only after his death , and whom the phrase ‘ genius and madness are near aligned ’ seems to fit .
8 MY work has been written in sand and after my death will disappear in a decade or so , ’ wrote August Bournonville ( 1805–79 ) , the Danish choreographer whose ballets are still in the repertory , and whom the Danes have been celebrating with yet another Bournonville festival in Copenhagen .
9 As regards others who are terminally ill and whom the law regards as incompetent — for example , the unconscious , the mentally ill , the mentally handicapped , or the seriously confused — it is not clear that anyone has authority in law to consent to or refuse treatment on their behalf .
10 It is only through the influence of individuals who can set an example , and whom the masses recognize as their leaders , that they can be induced to perform the work and undergo the renunciations on which the existence of civilization depends .
11 From this pale and anaemic-looking girl who had once thought only of turning the heads of young officers , and whom the Collector had considered insipid , he now saw a young woman of inflexible willpower emerging .
12 ( b ) To recapture a person who is unlawfully at large and whom the officer is hotly pursuing ( s.17(1) ( d ) ) .
13 Yet it is precisely the woman or girl who is ignorant and gullible enough to believe tales of this kind who is ripe for sexual exploitation and whom the section should be most geared towards protecting .
14 And who the hell IS management ? ’ he demanded , his voice rising .
15 They talked about the difficulty of getting food in , when all they could find was Chinese takeaway ; about strange knocks at the door of the hotel room , and why the Iranians sometimes left unexpectedly , and who the hell they were really dealing with ; about North 's pressing need for aspirin ; and about getting the hostages out , for which the only foreseeable currency was arms .
16 This presented a delicate problem , another of the house guests being also without his valet , raising the question as to which guest should be allocated the butler as valet and who the footman .
17 And who the hell are you ?
18 Who else , if anyone , will be involved in treatment and who the therapist will keep informed about the patient 's progress .
19 And who the f-f-fantasy did I
20 This may involve challenge and competition , finding out who is the apparent top dog and who the underdog .
21 In the end , it may come down to who makes the better speech at the convention — and who the delegates believe can beat the Liberals in the election , probably in September .
22 Emmanuel Leroy Ladurie , administrator of the Bibliothèque Nationale , has been appointed chairman of an association set up to consider the administrative problems and to determine the aims and contents of the long awaited library , and who the users will be .
23 he has knowingly obtained ( whether directly or indirectly ) that information from another individual who is connected with that company , or was at any time in the six months preceding the obtaining of that information , so connected , and who the tippee knows or has reasonable cause to believe , held the information by virtue of being so connected ; and he
24 And who the hell is that ? ’ demanded Pearce of the Police Constable .
25 And then to Cardiff : ‘ And who the hell is blondie , anyway ? ’
26 The findings are interpreted in vigorous fashion ( e.g. ‘ At its baldest , men 's needs came before women 's regardless of who was the disabled person and who the carer ’ , p. 57 ) .
27 And here was the man himself , scarred face , heavy limp , and impressive bearing , demanding to see Sally-Anne , but he gave away nothing of this , merely said , ‘ What is it , Baines ? ’ and then to the intruder , ‘ And who the devil are you , sir ?
28 He said they were the self-indulgent ramblings of a patches-on-the-elbow peasant , and who the hell did he think he was anyway ?
29 He made a mental note to find out who was the snorer and who the complainant ; certainly the latter would have a very sound motive for murder .
30 ‘ The glass will move to the letters and spell out the words , and whoever the message is for will recognize it .
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