Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] with " in BNC.

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1 A contact orderwhich requires the person with whom the child lives , or is to live , to allow the child to visit or stay with the person named in the order or for that person and the child to otherwise have contact with each other .
2 The solution perceived by some libraries has been to bring in educational technologists to perform or assist with evaluation .
3 These powers are enshrined as development control procedures which enable local authorities to reject , approve , or approve with conditions , applications for planning permission for new buildings , extensions to existing buildings and changes in land use .
4 ‘ Mrs Cecil 's departure was preceded by such an entire sinking of her constitution and by an exhaustion tending so much to lethargy that she was seldom able to converse … and it was a peculiar favour to herself and daughters that Mr Simeon and her excellent son were in the house and watched for every reviving moment to pray or converse with her in all holy tenderness , till she ceased to breathe . ’
5 The Bank of England will require such disclosure if Hongkong Bank wants to take over or merge with Midland .
6 ‘ In my opinion euthanasia is a crime against humanity which one should never consent or cooperate with .
7 Lovat ended that appeal by emphasising his belief that it was ‘ a most wise & prudent maxim that a man in power should do for those that he is pretty sure will stand & fall with him in all events ’ , and in general that was the major qualification for appointment to the judicial bench in eighteenth-century Scotland .
8 In the former , agencies such as local enterprise boards , or economic development units , have attempted to encourage firms to develop or invest with the help of limited assistance from councils — attempts have been made to ‘ lever ’ additional funds from the private sector ( Clarke and Cochrane , 1987 ) .
9 It could make or break with vibration or thermal expansion as the machine warmed up .
10 Many of the studies are not large enough to detect or exclude with certainty clinically relevant differences in the effects of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic and related drugs .
11 Compulsory membership of a trade union , in force since 1936 with only a brief interlude , was to be abolished , and employers were to be released from their obligation to recognize or negotiate with unions or to be bound by pay awards negotiated at a national level .
12 This figure does not , of course , take account of what you could earn on or do with your money if it was available to you .
13 The onward march of technological progress has given us the user-friendly sealed cassette , much more difficult to damage or tamper with — or to intervene in ( and to recreate on modern machines ) .
14 Arsenical copper could never have been easy to make or work with ; during smelting , clouds of poisonous arsenious oxide are produced and in re-melting the alloy some of the arsenic may be lost .
15 A course for those needing to live or work with Americans , and for students of British English who need to develop an understanding of American English .
16 When someone is said to act or react with ‘ full ’ or ‘ sufficient ’ awareness — qualifications which recur in our argument without further explanation , with no doubt irritating frequency — it is implied that he is aware of everything relevant to his choice of means or ends .
17 If coal was just another industry or a medium-sized company in the private sector whose product was not as much in demand as previously , or had been superseded by another product that it could not make or compete with it , that industry or company would slim down or might even close altogether — with the same tragic effect on families and communities as has been seen in the coal industry .
18 Many restraints , as in Commercial Plastics , refer to the fact that a party may not solicit or compete with the other party in relation to those who were customers at the date of the determination of the contract .
19 Older siblings living in mainland Scotland were not permitted to see or communicate with their younger brothers and sisters , even though they were in no way involved or implicated in the allegations that had been made against the parents .
20 It implies that , since subjects can not completely understand or communicate with each other , or even themselves , the full ‘ representation ’ of women by female subjects , or of particular , female-identified subject areas , methods or theories , is impossible .
21 The cymbal is indestructible , except by nearly-silence which skulks in a corner unable to really move or communicate with other potential nearly-silences .
22 Which system is used also depends on company philosophy and policy with regard to ensuring that expatriates do not lose or gain with respect to their colleagues at home , local employees abroad and other expatriates in other parts of the world .
23 Those who take Derrida seriously as a philosopher can either agree or disagree with him .
24 my bargaining power is based on the losses which you would suffer if you were to agree or disagree with my proposal
25 your bargaining power is based on the losses I would suffer if I were to agree or disagree with your proposals .
26 Do you agree or disagree with this view ?
27 Staff had been employed , he claimed , who were grossly inexperienced and ‘ who would not be in a position to question or disagree with any actions being taken by Randolph Fields ’ .
28 You may agree or disagree with these decisions ; the important thing is that we learn to appreciate the influence that the grammatical system of a language has on the way events are presented in that language .
29 Does experience of life lead you to agree or disagree with what says ?
30 I know when , when invented scales back in the early thirties er typically they were declarative statements which people had to agree or disagree with erm but er I think perhaps more recently people have gone more for things that are a bit like how would you feel , what do you think type statements erm so er
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