Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 That question must be determined by reference to general principles , or which the first ( and in most cases also the last ) is that judicial proceedings are supposed to take place openly , and publication of those proceedings is ‘ merely enlarging the area of the court , and communicating to all that which all has the right to know ’ ( per Lord Halsbury , L.C. in MacDougall v. Knight [ 1989 ] A.C. 194 at p.200 .
2 By writ dated 6 August 1991 the plaintiffs in the first action , Barclays Bank Plc. claimed £389,431 from the defendants , Glasgow City Council , being moneys had and received to the plaintiffs ' use as having been paid under void contracts ; or contracts for which the consideration had totally failed ; which were traceable by the plaintiffs into the hands of the defendants , the retention of which would be unconscionable ; which would cause the defendants to be unjustly enriched ; or which the defendants held upon an implied or resulting or constructive trust in favour of the plaintiffs ; or to which the plaintiffs were entitled on the grounds that the defendants had spent the money on their lawful activities or applied them towards the discharge of their liabilities .
3 Thus , true poetry is an entity to which the property POETRY truly applies , while Charlie 's old school is an entity such that the relation between it and the description CHARLIE 'S SCHOOL belongs to the time labelled by the word " old " , and a certain winner ( when not used with the indefinite sense ) is an entity of whom or which the description WINNER certainly holds ( or so the gambler hopes ) .
4 An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing , executed by or on behalf of the appointer and shall be in the following form ( or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or in any other form which is usual or which the Directors may approve ) : —
5 Where it is desired to afford members an opportunity of instructing the proxy how he shall act the instrument appointing a proxy shall be in the following form ( or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or in any other form which is usual or which the Directors may approve ) : —
6 An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing , executed by or on behalf of the appointer and shall be in the following form ( or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or in any other form which is usual or which the Directors may approve ) : —
7 Where it is desired to afford members an opportunity of instructing the proxy how he shall act the instrument appointing a proxy shall be in the following form ( or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or in any other form which is usual or which the Directors may approve ) : —
8 ( 2 ) The High Court , or a judge thereof , or a county court , may , on the application by summons of any judgment creditor of a partner , make an order charging that partner 's interest in the partnership property and profits with payment of the amount of the judgment debt and interest thereon , and may by the same or a subsequent order appoint a receiver of that partner 's share of profits ( whether already declared or accruing ) , and of any other money which may be coming to him in respect of the partnership , and direct all accounts and inquiries , and give all other orders and directions which might have been directed or given if the charge had been made in favour of the judgment creditor by the partner , or which the circumstances of the case may require .
9 The following is an example of a suitable clause : It is hereby agreed that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Articles of Association the investor shall be entitled at any time after Completion to transfer all or any part of the investor 's shares to another investor or investors approved by the Managers ( such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) to the intent and effect that any such investors shall be entitled to the benefit of all such provisions of this Agreement and Articles of Association as the investor shall require and the Managers and the Company shall do or procure to be done ( insofar as it lies within their respective powers ) all such matters and things , including the execution of all such documents as shall be necessary or which the Investors shall reasonably require for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this clause .
10 7.4 In addition to this obligation under cl 7.3 , upon termination of this Agreement for whatever cause ( including effluxion of time ) the Company shall purchase from the Supplier all stocks of finished Products held by the Supplier which are not covered by purchase orders together with all stocks of unused packaging materials for the Products which are either held by the Supplier or which the Supplier is already obliged to purchase from third parties .
11 Indeed , many systems of criminal law impose a mandatory sentence for murder ( or whatever the highest form of homicide is called in that system ) .
12 The optimistic , structuring of an art form until it appears to be on tiptoe in defiance and compliance with gravity … or whatever the dominant forcefield may be .
13 So a sensible compromise is to examine the baby to see if there is any obviously treatable cause for its symptoms , and if there is not to advise a treatment for the temperature or diarrhoea , or whatever the baby is suffering from .
14 The under 16's , or whatever the category was , were mostly content with rock fakie , tail tap , rock fakie , tail tap , melan type runs .
15 When children imagine that they have been adopted , the fantasy always involves some romantic idea like being a princess and not the daughter of the local estate agent or whatever the truth may be !
16 The jurymen are asked to hear the evidence and on the basis of the evidence to decide whether or not they think the prosecution have proved , beyond reasonable doubt , that Mr X was drunk in charge , or whatever the crime may be .
17 Although there are some marvellous cookery books for single people — Delia Smith 's ‘ One is Fun ’ is a good example — I have always found that the trick is not to cook for one , but to cook for four , or whatever the recipe you are following suggests , and to freeze the rest for further meals .
18 The snag here is that when the contours of the sand and soil take a sharp turn up , down , sideways or whatever the rabbit follows the same line .
19 The advantage of using a switch which is either completely off or completely on over any form of variable resistance as in linear supplies , is that no power is dissipated in this sort of control element , whatever the load requirements are or whatever the voltage developed across the switch happens to be .
20 Without realising it , she is facing the otherwise unadmitted truth about father 's inability to assume responsibility , or mother 's suppressed craving for power , or whatever the problems happen to be in her particular environment .
21 There is even one corner where life in the year 2000 B.C. is represented : when Alford , or whatever the site would have been known as then , would have consisted of straw huts where its inhabitants might have been weavers and flint tool makers .
22 So I wrote ‘ Full scale cock tracing ’ , you know , ‘ 11.43 pm , Sunday November 24 ’ or whatever the date was .
23 I 'm not a frog that 's been kissed by a princess or whatever the fairy tale is .
24 If Stuart decided to give a train driver six weeks compassionate leave or whatever the allowance is , he 'd buy a return ticket .
25 At the most senior level , the Managing Director , Chief Executive or whatever the title of the most senior person in the organisation is , will be accountable to a Board for the effective work of the whole organisation .
26 If one of their number was being kept on the phone by some whingeing client who had no intention of investing further , a colleague would rescue him , shouting : " Smith ( or whatever the dealer was called ) , Hong Kong , Line .
27 Managing people for profit goes deeper than MBO , performance appraisal , quality circles , T-groups , outward bound training , psychometric tests or whatever the latest fashionable approach to management is .
28 And if People magazine wanted to take a picture of me in the surf with a stuffed animal , or whatever the fuck it was , then hey , the joke 's on them . ’
29 When you when you come up here and do the driving you find that erm because people are are just not available at the time and erm y I 'm here just for a and Stan only here for a a limited period , and er you 're sort of trying they 're downstairs they 're trying to get people off the trucks when they come in or whatever the case may be to go out and do an assessment run , and it 's not always possible .
30 Consider delaying the flash till he 's gone by a bit further or whatever the case may be .
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