Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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31 Girls generally did as well or better than boys on questions concerning knowledge of the names of parts of rectangular shapes ( cuboids , rectangles ) but a good deal worse on similar questions relating to 2-D and 3-D shapes with circular sections .
32 Questions relating to counting and calculating with whole numbers are generally tackled by girls as well as or better than by boys .
33 Do you think that any other sites on the periphery of Skelton would allow for the requirement , however distant it may be , that you foresee , as well as or better than D thirty nine and D forty ?
34 If the results are similar to or better than those predicted theoretically , the transformation is satisfactory .
35 A reasonable guide will be if it produces results near to or better than those predicted by equation ( 6.3 ) .
36 A really well-designed state pension scheme ( complete with lump sums ) and not so closely tied to employment history as any of the current schemes on offer , could probably do as well or better than occupational or personal pension provision for most women .
37 What is more , the participating organisations showed average or better than average health and safety performance in their own industries .
38 Erm we believe , er if we are to demonstrate to our clients that we are as good or better than our competitives competitors , then we need certification .
39 Cutting prospective future costs is as good as or better than generating extra resources to meet them .
40 Given that the average score for all A-level entrants was 5.4 , it can be seen that all non-standard entry groups , apart from those entering on the basis of 1–4 O-levels , performed at least as well or better than the average A-level entrants .
41 However reference is also made to the Smithers and Griffin ( 1986 ) study which indicated that nonstandard mature students obtained results that were either as good or better than A level entrants on the same courses and were less likely to fail to complete their courses .
42 A trade can only be carried out within one firm if the market maker of that firm offers a price at least as good or better than that offered on the general market .
43 Now what has happened here is that on the previous public enquiry over the Tetsworth site , Tetsworth , Great Milton and various other Parish Councils have the defence of producing sites which they think are appropriate or better than their own site , and they mentioned Wheatley .
44 Univel is recommending a minimum 25Mhz 386SX box fitted with 8Mb RAM and 80Mb external to run its Personal Edition client and a 33MHz 386DX with 12Mb internal and a 120Mb hard disk for its Application Server plus VGA or better though EGA is supported .
45 They then turned to the govt. & only when the govt. took action did situations improve at all .
46 If this were ever done , then unless some other constituency took him on board in time for the general election , or perhaps unless he stood and won in his constituency as some kind of independent Labour candidate with at least PLP support , then , on the declaration of the result in his constituency , he would lose any right to remain Prime Minister .
47 Never before , or perhaps since , have birds been portrayed with such vitality , dexterity , and accuracy .
48 Despite revolutionary zeal , or perhaps because of it , they sought immediate compensations for the miseries of daily life , and spontaneous methods of attack which they mistook for political strategy .
49 ‘ Inflation ’ , as this is called , got a rapturous reception when it was put forward in 1980 , despite , or perhaps because of , its weirdness ( cosmologists , after all , undergo years of training so that they can say things like ‘ When the universe was the size of a grapefruit ’ without blushing or laughing ) .
50 Or perhaps because of it .
51 Despite their size , or perhaps because of it , many saguaros have been stolen from the desert to be sold , at huge prices , to ornament smart Californian gardens .
52 Reynard can not help but be cautious about this information , despite its apparent supernatural origin , or perhaps because of it .
53 John Newsom , who later became my friend , endeared himself to headmasters by asserting the principle that as much freedom as possible in the running of schools should be delegated to heads — even although , or perhaps because , he well knew that many of them were rogues .
54 And we only have to look at those who are afflicted in any one of these areas to see which people seem to be evolving in spite of ( or perhaps because o ? their difficulties .
55 She had not troubled to dress , despite , or perhaps because of , the fact that she had male visitors .
56 And despite ( or perhaps because of ? ) its use of the Rimsky version , the Karajan is easily the best conducted , sung and recorded .
57 Despite this wealth , or perhaps because of it , enthusiasm should be tempered and caution exercised .
58 And in spite of , or perhaps because of , this framework , they all seemed to have such fun , such carefree , girlish fun .
59 That little knife slashed sharply , circumcising the very tip of the digit , and even before the Larramen cells could clot — or perhaps because the blade was treated with some special anti-coagulant — a sprinkling of bright blood fell like rubies from each fingertip to mingle in the chalice .
60 Despite , or perhaps because of , these successes Channel Four is also under scrutiny from the ideologues and reformers .
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