Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is strongly recommended that initiating members seek to negotiate fee arrangements with their exclusive sell situation clients that allow them to offer time-based remuneration to participating members with respect to the process of originating foreign purchaser suggestions and/or contacting foreign purchasers .
2 Wearing out our good clothes or wasting hot water to wash them ! ’
3 At least 28 companies in the United Kingdom are developing or producing mains-signalling equipment .
4 According to the ideas outlined in Chapter 6 , the language processing system is made up of a number of information-processing modules , each responsible for a specific information-processing task ( such as recognising letters , for example , or producing spoken words ) .
5 Most current procedures for recording the electrical activity of the brain , or producing radiographic images of the living human brain , or investigating the accuracy and timing of behaviour are dependent on computing capacity which was not available twenty years ago .
6 It might mean getting one additional customer in the shop or producing one extra unit in the factory .
7 They argue that causation involves one event ( the cause ) generating or producing another event ( the effect ) , and that we can obtain direct knowledge about this causal generation : we do not have to infer causality on the basis of temporal priority .
8 When beginning a new topic , consult general texts before you attempt more specialised or demanding leading .
9 Nor is there any way of inputting or editing individual records .
10 This will lead to even greater problems when there are errors in scoring or labelling some portion of the lattice .
11 If everybody else is bankrolling Australian entrepreneurs , or expanding expensively into the US , or financing umpteen deals with untold debt , that 's a very good reason for doing something completely different .
12 Frequently the key to advance is in better ways of measuring or quantifying technical processes , or material advances which in themselves remove one of the constraints on development .
13 They call the whole process one of getting ‘ buy-in ’ or generating wider ‘ ownership ’ of a project from key supporters .
14 This meant that there was a limit beyond which wages could be reduced without harming the industrial process or generating such misery that the workers would rebel against the system .
15 It might mean selling one more inch of classified advertising space or encouraging one of your team to be as entrepreneurial as you .
16 Jack was there for voluntary Chinese Torture — or re-writing another Barbra Streisand movie , depending on which way you view it .
17 With accruals accounting , of course , postponing or bringing forward cash payments or receipts has no effect .
18 The movie 's dilemma is that its luxurious pace ambles all over the shop , never really getting anywhere or bringing any of the characters to a satisfying conclusion .
19 This awful thing has never happened to me but I have been in the situation leading up to the attack hundreds of times , in trusting casual acquaintances to walk me home or allowing strange men to come into my house to do repairs .
20 Can you raise income to cover costs ? eg by publications or allowing outside participants on courses .
21 Whether handing over stretches , or allowing light railway lines to be built alongside BR lines , it insists on running special training programmes for the LRT workers to ensure their security on the track .
22 prohibiting the undertenant from doing or allowing any act or thing in relation to the underlet Premises inconsistent with or in breach of the provisions of this Lease
23 prohibiting the undertenant from doing or allowing any act or thing in relation to the underlet Premises inconsistent with or in breach of the provisions of this Lease
24 Danny Kelly , writing in the NME , said experiencing Gedge 's songs was like ‘ overhearing one side of a telephone conversation or catching edited highlights of an argument . ’
25 Trailing wires can so easily be cut when trimming back hedges or mowing long grass .
26 THESE FOUR boxes of action highlights from Pickwick enable the devout to exhume the 1992 World Cup , feeling it again as if they were in attendance in Australasia once more or seeing much of it for the first time if sleep and work schedules got in the way during those 33 hectic days and nights .
27 severe fright , as when hearing bad news or seeing horrifying sights
28 She asked why I had said nothing about that accident on the bypass , or seeing Old Red and General Francis on my holiday .
29 I let myself into our corridor , soundlessly , and crept down the back stairs and out of the back door without hearing or seeing any member of the Home staff .
30 In the Old World , chimpanzees can deal with unripe fruits , breaking open tannin-rich mature fruits or eating unripe ones .
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