Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] an " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore unlikely that a woman could either infect a lavatory seat or bring an infectable part of her anatomy in contact with such a seat .
2 If B is threatened with a tort it is , of course , equally true that he may bring an action for damages if the tort is committed or bring an action for a quia timet injunction first , but , especially where the threat is of violence , it is perhaps less realistic to say that these legal remedies afford him adequate protection against the consequences of resistance .
3 In writing a program , one often has a lot of freedom in the use of bound variables : not only in where they are declared , but also in whether to declare a new variable or re-use an old one .
4 If you do muddle up the crowd-flow arrangements , Over-stretch the facilities or pick an unsuitable venue in the first place , you cause enormous distractions from the event and the message .
5 If you feel that your award is wrong in some way you can ask for the decision to be reviewed or make an appeal — details of how to do this are available from social security benefit offices .
6 If you feel that your award is wrong in some way you can ask for the decision to be reviewed or make an appeal — details of how to do this are available from social security benefit offices .
7 If you feel that your award is wrong in some way you can ask for the decision to be reviewed or make an appeal — details of how to do this are available from social security benefit offices .
8 Bereaved people may seem reluctant to accept invitations out , but that is often because they feel that they will be in the way or make an odd number at any gathering , and the hurt and embarrassment this creates is awful .
9 The event had been going through a lean period and had degenerated into a glorified booze-up , but there were some who were interested in keeping it alive and they got together to decide if they were going to let it go or make an effort to put it on its feet again .
10 The skill in producing ‘ machine ’ music requires far less effort or commitment than that of someone who chooses to learn to play a musical instrument or make an artistic statement — however lowly .
11 For example , you could create the design for a simple piece of embroidery using small sprays of pressed flowers , or make an initial design from pressed flowers that could be transferred on to squared paper and used to embroider a handkerchief Both of these ideas would make marvellous presents , and you could perhaps place the finished embroidery in a tissue-lined box that has been decorated with pressed flowers or ribbons .
12 Even the most efficient switchboard operator will at times dial a wrong number or make an incorrect connection , but this should never cause impatience or anger , the error should be corrected as quickly as possible in a pleasing and charming manner .
13 If you row constantly , ask your GP to refer you to a counsellor , or make an appointment with Relate .
14 Prior to 1952 , section 14 of the Summary Jurisdiction Act 1848 provided that justices ‘ shall convict … or make an order … , ’ i.e. that they had to come to a decision .
15 If he does not declare an intention to defend the action or make an offer , the second date , known as the calling date , is the date on which the claimant can ask for a Decree from the court declaring that the debtor owes him the sum sued for .
16 If the bankrupt can not himself prepare a proper statement of affairs , the official receiver may either employ someone at the expense of the estate to assist in its preparation ( r 6.63(1) ) or make an allowance out of the estate to a named person to assist the bankrupt in its preparation ( r 6.63(2) and ( 3 ) ) .
17 They are trained to search for the overall picture so that they can advise on overall financial policy or make an overall judgement on the truth and fairness of the accounts .
18 For example , in a narrow town or terrace house where the front door opens directly into a corridor-like space , you could either take the wall down altogether , or make an arch going into the living room , or take the wall down to seating level , literally making a seating ledge .
19 However please do n't anyone tell Graham Kelly about all this — he 'll probably try and stop us sending messages to list members in Europe , or make an announcement that the authorities are doing all in their power to break up some hooligan ring he 'll call the Sony Hedgehog Club .
20 Against the possibility that the acquiring member fails to extend the offer , the following remedy can be provided for : If the Acquiring Member shall fail to serve a notice or make an offer in accordance with Article … ( or , if and to the extent that the offer is accepted , the Acquiring Member shall fail to complete the purchase of any shares pursuant to the offer ) he ( and any member with whom he is acting in concert as provided in Article … ) shall cease to have any rights to vote or to dividends in respect of all the shares held by him and the Directors may where relevant refuse to register the transfer of the shares acquired by the Acquiring Member which give rise to the obligations under Article … and may require the Acquiring Member to serve a Transfer Notice in respect of all or any of the shares held by him .
21 The adventurers must each make a successful Cl test or gain an Insanity Point as a result of witnessing this hideous spectacle .
22 A High Elf army is normally a compact and hard hitting force , a select body of Elves brought together to defend some realm or oust an invader .
23 He now has 28 days to leave , or launch an appeal against the decision .
24 In his letter of Aug. 14 Saddam had underlined his determination " not to keep any of Iraq 's potential outside the arena of the great duel " and it was widely believed that this implied either an intention to consolidate Iraqi gains in Kuwait or launch an attack against Saudi Arabia .
25 When you offer a piece of information , you do n't commit yourself in quite the same way that you do when you propose or suggest an idea .
26 Or send an sae to the Institute of Trichologists , 228 Stockwell Road , London SW9 to find a trichologist near you .
27 When you reply to somebody or send an acceptance or
28 There are two basic criteria : firstly an invention must be based on a wholly new idea or involve an ‘ inventive step ’ ; secondly an invention must be capable of industrial ( including agricultural , etc. ) application .
29 I guess that one would not normally expect such a work to plumb the depths , or explore an emotional range equivalent to a full-scale symphony .
30 Moreover , it has long been accepted that repairing covenants do not require the covenantor to renew the whole property or modernise an elderly and decaying building .
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