Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] this " in BNC.

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1 For example , a large number ( 16 per cent. ) thought that the police had used unnecessary violence towards themselves , or that an acquaintance had experienced or witnessed this .
2 It will be the concern of the court of the state to which the child is to be returned to minimise or eliminate this harm and , in the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary or evidence that it is beyond the powers of those courts in the circumstances of the case , the courts of this country should assume that this will be done .
3 The United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland might attempt to terminate or modify this agreement ; or the government of either or both States might attempt to introduce legislation without seeking the views of the population , or against their expressed will .
4 Too fast an approach speed may alarm drivers already on the roundabout why may think you are going to drive onto the roundabout in front of them ; if they brake hard or swerve this may cause a following driver to panic and cause an accident .
5 Neither Henry 's pre-existing contacts in Rome nor the special envoys sent out from England were able to improve or circumvent this adverse diplomatic situation .
6 If it is lost or broken this week the Tories will lose by 100 seats .
7 Anticipating such conflicts , many may conclude that we do not need or want this genetic knowledge .
9 If male doctors have difficulty accepting or understanding this it is probably because they have not been in such powerless positions since childhood .
10 For that 's what a relationship is for me — the making of a promise , albeit rarely uttered , that I will strive never to hurt , damage , betray , demean or disappoint this person I claim to love .
11 It has even been suggested that it is possible to use inimical remedies with impunity although I have n't actively set out to prove or disprove this .
12 Remove the rear prop and half shafts ( if it is a S2 ) after draining the axle oil to stop spillage a short run in front drive only will prove or disprove this .
13 While it is impossible to either prove or disprove this estimate , as a matter of observation it is true that a high proportion of churches seem to attract ‘ their kind of people ’ .
14 Illness may be what motivates or causes this behaviour .
15 The Fenari clan seem 's not to have forgiven or forgotten this slight , for Molla Fenari 's sons later challenged a decision given by Molla Yegan as kadi of Bursa and caused him to be examined by a of the ulema .
16 " Pre-suppose " means in effect that you have already supposed or claimed this without needing to write it down .
17 Or has this whole summer for Mansell been a fabrication of what he really felt , a means of getting out of his Ferrari contract by saying he was quitting and then holding Williams to ransom after they had backed themselves into a corner ?
18 Have the flora and vegetation always been as species-poor as today , or has this poverty developed over thousands of years during the post-glacial as a result of habitat loss , soil deterioration , or land-use change ?
19 Or has this issue never previously been on the Church 's agenda because the majority of women did not — until our century — have the education , the freedom or the position in society to enable them to take a priestly role ?
20 indicates the shoe is recommended for this purpose or has this feature
21 Have there been many cases on the flats or has this been a
22 Is chemistry still all test tubes and bad smells , or has this subject too changed from the days when perhaps some of us were at school ?
23 Choose a game or exercise which leads into or complements this work .
24 She did not depend upon the views of others to form her own , or bend this way and that according to the fashion of the day .
25 All this counts for nothing in the world of rugby and it will be his ability to scrum and compete with the best that will make or break this South African legend .
26 He hesitated over recognizing or dismissing this thought .
27 Area Health Authority to apply on four hours ' notice to all parties ( such notice to be sufficiently given by telephone ) to vary or discharge this injunction .
28 What 's more , a reviewer 's design would have to be seen to work in every respect , not simply look outrageous , or match this tour 's stage set .
29 One reason for this , I would suggest , is that Brief Encounter is not simply the tearful tale of heterosexual romance that it appears to be : beneath , or alongside , or overlapping this narrative is another , quite specifically related to the homosexuality of its author .
30 If you mark your weight on a graph or chart this should provide a clear and rewarding sign of progress over a period of weeks and months .
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