Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Most of the above rules show stress tending to go on syllables containing a long vowel or diphthong and/or ending with more than one consonant .
2 He , too , has the courage to speak out , and so has Ted Heath , whether what they say is right or wrong or agrees with the party line .
3 Connery is n't playing with politics or toying with a party allegiance ; he opinion is founded on his life experience .
4 On farms where severe outbreaks have occurred pigs should be houses , dosed , and the infected pasture cultivated or grazed with other stock .
5 Similarly , he must hold that theories are eliminated due to the clash of experience ( for example ) , but not using criteria that are understood in terms of , or justified with reference to , the aims of inquiry .
6 as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions , to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with .
7 The due observance and fulfilment of the terms provisions conditions and endorsements of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Policyholder and the truth of the statements and answers in the said proposal shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Corporation to make any payment under this Policy .
8 The due observance and fulfilment of the terms provisions conditions and endorsements of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Policyholder and the truth of the statements and answers in the said proposal shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Corporation to make any payment under this Policy .
9 As a control , sections from all patient and control lungs were stained with ET-1 antiserum that had been immunoabsorbed with synthetic ET-1 overnight at 4°C , or incubated with normal goat serum instead of the primary antisera .
10 It is possible to soften water by the addition of chemicals that displace or combine with the calcium and magnesium , such as sodium hexametaphosphate and ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid .
11 Wartime rules stated that only token payment plus expenses were to be paid , but clubs , like any other employers , can choose to be as generous or mean with expenses as with wages .
12 Soviet influence , moreover , was overwhelmingly concentrated among the poorest and least important countries in terms of population and GNP , whose support was often more of a liability than an asset ; the world 's major military and industrial powers , by contrast , were all allied or aligned with the United States .
13 They may be used singly or blended with others .
14 Essential oils can be used alone or blended with other essences to make delightful perfumes .
15 In the event of our cancelling this order as to all or any of the goods and/or the work covered thereby we shall be entitled to purchase from a third party a like quantity of goods of similar description and quality , or a reasonable alternative thereto , bearing in mind our need to take delivery of the goods by the date specified overleaf , or to contract with a third party to perform work of a similar description and quality , and in that event you shall be liable to reimburse to us on demand all expenditure incurred by us in connection with our said cancellation , including any increase in the price over that stated overleaf .
16 Take out one item and scrub or agitate with a brush or cloth .
17 These winds make Bitez our recommended centre for those keen on developing more advanced sailing skills — trapezing , strong wind sailing , bombing in Lasers or struggling with windsurfers .
18 Not all the congratulatory letters were complimentary , but I 'm just as grateful to those who took me to task or argued with me or lectured me as I am to those who gave me a kind pat .
19 While the Doctor stalked about the room , or fiddled with the door , or argued with the guards , the three others had sat on the floor and exchanged their stories .
20 It was sleeping or eating with other people Harry could n't stand . ’
21 Nutritional counselling aims not to prescribe yet another rigid diet but to guide the patient back to eating in a normal and relaxed way , with sufficient flexibility to adapt to various social settings such as going to a restaurant or eating with friends .
22 Norms begin as our expectations ; these then merge or converge with others ' expectations to produce ‘ rules ’ about required behaviour .
23 The only member of the squad who could ; the others hammered or pecked with two fingers , swore picturesquely , and reached for the erasing fluid .
24 Wiping or scrubbing with the arm fully extended is less efficient than squaring up to a job and wiping an area slightly offset from the vertical bodycentreline .
25 If he wants to sit outdoors sometimes or eat with us .
26 Hindley says he is wicked , and ca n't play with me or eat with me any more . ’
27 If you invite only three or four , the conversation may become general , and you are likely to be left out , so be bold : invite twenty people , then you can move around , making contact with individuals as you ply them with food and drink , or sit with one person for a short chat before moving on to another .
28 Elevation Lie or sit with your legs raised higher than your waist .
29 Should be done by carefully dabbing or sponging with a wool — or silk-compatible cleaning solution for removing each specific substance ( wine , grease , coffee , etc. ) until as much as possible of the discolouring substance has been removed .
30 A contact orderwhich requires the person with whom the child lives , or is to live , to allow the child to visit or stay with the person named in the order or for that person and the child to otherwise have contact with each other .
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