Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 When we ask the horse to work or reproduce itself we know that their requirements for nutrients ( ie Energy , Protein , Vitamins and Minerals ) increase .
2 But ZZAP ! has never looked at the other side of the problem or asked themselves : ‘ Why is there so much software piracy ? ’
3 To live in a beautiful country & to inure myself as much as possible to the labors of the field , have been for this year past my dream of the day , my Sigh at midnight — but to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear your 's , to be mingling identities with you , as it were ; — the vision-weaving Fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but Hope never dared whisper a promise ! ’
4 As far as she was aware , no one had cut themselves or pricked themselves with a needle .
5 Those who simplify moral judgement to the application of standards would assume that he has either to impose his own code or to accommodate himself to the other .
6 Now admittedly , the T four bacterial is a very simple organism , it ca n't leap about so it does n't need senses or a brain to direct it , or muscles or anything like that , it ca n't repair itself or change itself once it 's been made , therefore it does n't need to digest food , er to , to have an immune system or anything like that to repair itself or put itself to rights , it does n't need anything like that .
7 It can be a product or service you 've bought in , not necessarily a product or service that you are actually producing or generating yourselves .
8 Champion of the underdog and believer in the nobility of the common man , he lost no opportunity to teach his daughter the importance of never giving in or allowing herself to be beaten by lack of courage .
9 Body language can suggest you have like jumping out a window or hanging themselves or whatever .
10 Whereupon , declaring that no less precious food should thereafter pass her lips , the lady had , variously , starved herself to death or flung herself from the window , in which case her blood had forever coloured the ruddy rocks of Roussillon .
11 In summary then , evaluation in the context of professional development and educational improvement refers to the monitoring of practice in order to diagnose problems and develop , implement and evaluate remedies , or to assure oneself that all is well .
12 The Public Service Vehicles ( Conduct of Drivers , Conductors and Passengers ) Regulations makes it an offence for a person to ‘ use obscene and offensive language , or to conduct himself in a riotous or disorderly manner . ’
13 Despite this , Tommy seemed to know how to get more beer per penny out of any landlord than Charlie had ever dreamed possible , even when he could n't understand what they were saying or make himself understood .
14 They tell little lies to get themselves out of trouble or make themselves look good , but real villains live in a fantasy world .
15 By this time I was convinced that nothing could work and that I would have to spend the rest of my life obsessed with food , hating my body , eating every day to the point of pain , and desperately frightened if I could n't find any laxatives or make myself sick .
16 ‘ Brownies do n't do good turns for rewards , ’ Heather told him , ‘ but , ’ she added eagerly , ‘ if you would let us use your loft as a meeting-place we 'd promise not to do any damage or make ourselves nuisances , would n't we , Shirley ? ’
17 Drop nets can also be bought or made yourself from netting available to repair prawn nets .
18 However , staying for a moment with hi-jacking , here we have a specialised form of the Breakthrough Phenomenon , which until the antidote is produced or produces itself , has quite startling pyrotechnic results , but collapses again as the antidote is devised .
19 But a man who makes his living playing black music suddenly sporting the flag waved on every Nazi march AND toying with skin imagery ( and like or not , lads , the crop and boots HAVE been adopted by Nazis in the USA and Europe ) AND writing ambiguous lyrics about an issue which brooks no ambiguity AND making idiotic remarks about blacks and black music in interviews AND hankering ( in a curiously middle aged manner à la Gary Numan ) after a nice , homogenous ‘ England ’ that never actually existed AND refusing to defend or explain himself — ALL that means , at the very least , that he 's got a case to answer , surely ?
20 It can be a group picture , e.g. Enigma Variations ; a solitary figure mourning lost love and youth , e.g. A Month in the Country or enjoying himself , e.g. Les Patineurs ; or , more rarely , the curtain fulling on an empty stage , e.g. Gloria , possibly the most dramatic ending of all .
21 In 2 Corinthians 10:12 he says , ‘ We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves .
22 Another one of his tricks was to lurk behind the counter at the Turk 's Head so customers would think there was no one there , and then , when they were thinking of leaving or helping themselves to the jam doughnuts , he 'd leap on to a wooden box to bring his large dome head just above the level of the counter and say , ‘ Can I help you ? ’ in a very loud voice .
23 The corporations are also the development-control authority for the designated area , so they may thus determine planning applications made to them or deem themselves planning permission by resolution .
24 However severe the victimization or inequality of potential pay , they give no thought to having a lottery to determine positions on the coal face [ thc Durham tradition — of cavilling ] ; however their labor may be divided , they have little impulse to regulate production collectively or coordinate themselves in work groups to forestall management initiative .
25 Or consoling himself ? ’
26 Subject to invasions and to the steady and relentless pressure to Germanise or Polonise themselves they had watched their language and culture dwindle away as the other Pomeranian cultures had done before them .
27 It is worth noting , as an aside , that though this may seem obvious , one has only to observe parents with children , or to catch oneself as a parent saying ‘ Do n't be so childish ! ’ to one 's three-year-old , to realize that the reminder remains necessary .
28 Rather than finishing school and entering work , young people were as likely to enter training schemes , temporary college courses , part time and temporary employment , odd jobs of all kinds or to find themselves unemployed as they were to find jobs directly .
29 If his army were crushed and Kuwait taken by force , and if the allied forces were then eager to pack up and go home or found themselves no longer wanted , UN peacekeepers could step in .
30 But these were matters which preoccupied theologians ( whose intellectual reputation was not high ) , philosophers and artists ( who were admired but somewhat in the manner in which wealthy men admire the diamonds they can afford to buy their women ) and social critics , of the left or right , who did not like the kind of society they lived in or found themselves forced into .
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