Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I sometimes think now , Oh gawd , I must have really looked like a schlepp when I used to turn up at Motown or somewhere taking a punk rocky attitude with me .
2 The parent who shows strong disapproval , smacking the child or forcibly removing its hand from the offending area is sowing the first seeds of inhibition or sexual disorder .
3 Instead of staring blankly out at the world , or nervously striking at the fence , as some of the eagles did , he trekked back and forth in a figure of eight over an area that was only one tiny part of his caged area .
4 But , though statistics are objective icons for the disinterested observer — or powerfully distorting tools for the polemicist — once in a while a particular set of figures will leap from the page of some dust-dry tome to offer up an image more illuminating than all of a dozen reports like those in the bibliography relating to this chapter .
5 This has principally meant providing more access to consumer goods and services , such as education , while continuing to deny any section of the black population access to political decision-making , or fundamentally changing the economic order .
6 Throughout the months preceding the launching I had paid numerous visits to Brooke Marine yard , either calling there in Venturous with the training crews , or latterly driving down from my home in Felixstowe , conveniently situated a mere forty miles up the coast .
7 And ‘ in no sense should voluntary bodies partly or wholly relying on fundraising and volunteer help take over elements of the core work of the public services . ’
8 Finally , a screw-in side handle is fixed on to the alloy gear cover , offset either to the left or right depending on the user .
9 You do a complete circuit , left or right depending on wind , and then you can go where you want .
10 He was obviously moving left or right depending on the fall of the coin .
11 In the North Isle of the Parish church of Newport painell in Buckinghamshire , in the yeare 1619 was found the body of a man whole and perfect ; laid downe , or rather leaning downe , North , and South : all the concauous parts of his body , and the hollownesse of euery bone , as well ribs as other , were filled vp with sollid lead .
12 One day , Joan had the brave notion of asking for an invitation — or rather inviting herself .
13 They 're expecting , or rather hoping for , an ‘ intense ’ reception from the Mormon capital .
14 And we were , how we were gon na combat it , and in the very next room were or rather holding a conference on how to do us in .
15 Thus large companies and boards of nationalised industries were provided with enormous financial assistance enabling ( or rather persuading ) them to base their reorganisation on designated development areas which in many cases they would not otherwise have chosen , for reasons of both private and public benefit when judged over the longer run [ Knight , 1974 ; Moore and Rhodes , 1973 ] .
16 Or rather singing about .
17 It was difficult for him to realise that he was dealing with , or rather trying to help , a man who had never , either physically or emotionally , felt the need to replace anything .
18 Having quizzed The Tree on the details of this scheme , it would appear that said burden of transferred pain is debited from the account of the guy at — or rather wielding — the sharp end of the original action , which seems only fair , I suppose .
19 She did not teach much , for Fanny describes her own educational level as " no better than very vulgar reading ; or rather spelling , an illegible scrawl , and a little ordinary plain work " .
20 Going in to , or rather going up High Street in to High Street from the erm Freemans Way , you know ?
21 A bystander at his creation , or rather arriving a few moments after it , would feel justified in assuming that Adam had had a mother , been born and brought up in the usual way , and was in every way like us ; but he would be wrong .
22 Michael spent hours sitting in the garden , or rather lying on a folding bed .
23 Two men were dancing , or rather standing around and twitching a little as the two boys danced around them , brilliantly , Harry noted .
24 To use Hirschi and Gottfredson 's ( 1986 ) terminology , there seems to have been a retreat from explanations of criminality , to explanations of crime — from explaining criminal dispositions , to explaining ( or rather preventing ) criminal acts .
25 The Report declared that ‘ the country can not afford this wastage , humanly or economically speaking , ’ and therefore ‘ in human justice and in economic self-interest we ought as a country to give that help ’ to working-class youngsters who under-achieve at school .
26 Similarly , whereas over half of the sample ( 57 per cent ) admitted to always or mostly continuing to drink even when they knew they were intoxicated , at the end of the course 60 per cent said this rarely or never occurred .
27 Indeed production for the market , as a purpose taking priority over any other , is widely evident in each phase , though there are many examples of producers struggling against or effectively ignoring market trends .
28 To explain the nature of legal change Stone offers a model that suggests first , that clients revealed the gap between current values and the law ; second , that this was followed by the attempt of lawyers and judges to narrow the gap , often by inventing legal fictions or effectively changing the law by judicial re-interpretation ( the changing definition of legal cruelty provides one example of this ) ; and third , that all this culminated eventually in legal change when the ‘ level of duplicity and hypocrisy became intolerable to law lords and legislators alike ’ ( pp. 19–20 ) .
29 Nevertheless , keep in mind that results derived for stationary or uniformly moving bodies will not necessarily apply when the body is accelerated .
30 The water temperature should be between 60 — 65°F — the exact figure is not too important providing it is steady or slowly rising .
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