Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You should ask the landlord for a copy of his evidence that the lease has been excluded from the 1954 Act and/or perhaps consult your solicitor .
2 If you really can only go shopping once a week , you will have to store all you fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator or somewhere cool to prevent them from spoiling .
3 Lifetable analysis — In a study of this kind , it is rarely possible to follow up every patient until they either relapse or successfully complete the trial .
4 But an object contemplated for its beauty alone spontaneously attracts the spectator and rouses him to expand and intensify his awareness of it ; and however much or little trust he may put in the formulation of aesthetic standards , he evaluates it by his reaction at the unsustainable height of concentration when he is responding to all his information at once .
5 Shadwell searched my face for comment , a flinch or little sneer perhaps .
6 Dunlin or little stint ?
7 The dorsal arm plates are oval or weakly fan shaped contiguous only proximally .
8 The subject would climb upon a chair to brush them from about the gas jet or stealthily try to touch an imaginary fly on the table with his finger .
9 ‘ The audit coverage throughout the member states is often disjointed or wholly absent' , the Report says .
10 Are there tasks in which children partly or wholly fail to understand the language which the teacher is using ?
11 Language , in any case , is often the subtlest indicator that there is : much better than clothes , since one can daily or hourly change one 's clothes .
12 Maybe I 'm out of touch or incredibly uncool , but the sight of three rather ugly individuals beavering away like physics teachers does n't turn me on .
13 For weaving and punch lace you can in theory have either the left or right light on , though most patterns have been designed with one or more in mind as indicated by the pattern sheets or books concerned .
14 I suspect this is so that we ca n't talk back or properly assess their charges or claims .
15 In particular , what effect will it have on patrolling officers ' discretionary decisions ( whether to prosecute or verbally advise an offending motorist ) , what consequences may there be for the management and monitoring of these discretionary enforcement practices by supervisory officers , and what implications are there for Force training
16 Not that he could ever have afforded to buy those kind of designer clothes on his meagre wage but with the money he had received to throw the American and his beautiful assistant , or rather partner , off the scent he had been able to splash out for once in his life .
17 Indeed , his treatment of this first book ( and we shall see that it is not very dissimilar from the others ) is a blatant piece of eisogesis — reading into ( as opposed to exegesis , out of ) the text what he wishes to see , or rather plant .
18 Meanwhile , Adobe has opened its doors , lifted the veil on Type 1 fonts and promised to do all it can to make , or rather keep , the current PostScript standard flying .
19 Each time they sank down , they clustered closely , finally expelling one of their number , who fluttered to the ground and began — as if under compulsion — to walk , or rather scuttle , towards us ; whereupon the other birds fled into the shelter of their tree .
20 The dubious research is that in which it is clear that the author has been disappointed not to have certain hypotheses upheld and is trying to talk ( or rather write ) his way round the evidence .
21 In practice , viewers preferred to wait and see — or rather wait for other people to see — before converting their TV sets to receive the new signal .
22 Or rather rape .
23 I have to admit to being somewhat partisan in this month 's column , for I am , ( or rather think I am ) a member of the BMC 's Training Committee .
24 There is a variety of tone , of weight , if intensity , of manner that reflects an ancient understanding of how all the different groups speak , or rather sing , as part of a collective experience .
25 USL , or rather OSF founder Siemens Nixdorf Informationssystemes AG , which did the port , is using OSF 's DCE 1.0.1 for both the early access code and the OEM kits scheduled to become generally available in January .
26 Wood , as we have said , consists of closed tubes which , in the living tree are partly full of water , or rather sap .
27 From a fairly economical run-up he bowled with great pace , usually very sometimes , as at Old Trafford , he would overdo the bouncers , and he had his share of injured batsmen to his credit — or rather debit .
28 This they call the " balanced slate " , and their insistent message is that whereas under our present system a vote for a party is a vote for just one candidate regardless of his precise political stance , the operation of the STV would allow a party , or rather oblige it , to put up a spread of candidates embracing and representing all the factions it supposedly includes .
29 They will identify and ‘ think through ’ the issues — or rather do the market analysis that substitutes for political thought — and create the slogans and policies in terms of the conditioned reflexes of the electorate which can be controlled by political advertising on the issues .
30 The very words used to describe a beautiful garden — ‘ a riot of colour ’ — suggests that beauty is not necessarily regimented or politely colour co-ordinated .
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