Example sentences of "[coord] [art] information " in BNC.

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1 It helps to counteract this tendency if you have a clear list of criteria against which to view the person and/or the information the interview renders .
2 They can provide the story or the information .
3 The people I like best of all are those who write to me several times as this gives me ‘ feed-back ’ on whether my solution to their original problem was correct , or the information I provided useful .
4 Unless the year ends coincide , or the information is readily available from other sources , the time needed to calculate the returnable amounts may be prohibitive .
5 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
6 The signal she wishes to extract , or the information she wants , is the precise size of the random aggregate influence on her good in that period and the precise size of the random relative demand influence .
7 In the nineteen nineties with the tumbling costs of hardware we can adv afford to provide more and more people in our enterprise-with access to a computer or the information within in .
8 That 's further compounding the maintenance burden on the I T department or the information systems provider .
9 ‘ … the invitation is made or the information is given by or on behalf of a body corporate , a single individual , or a group of connected individuals for the purposes of or with a view to the acquisition or disposal of shares in a body corporate other than an open ended investment company between parties each of whom is a body corporate , a single individual , or a group of connected individuals , being shares which —
10 ( 6 ) There was no evidence that the plaintiffs had ever given any express instructions that the sales information or the information about prices was to be treated as confidential .
11 Article 5(2) provides that the FSA , s57 does not apply to an investment advertisement if the invitation is made , or the information is given , by or on behalf of a body corporate , a partnership , a single individual or a group of connected individuals for the purposes of or with a view to the acquisition or disposal of shares in a company ( including a private company ) other than an open-ended investment company between parties each of whom is a body corporate , a partnership , a single individual or a group of connected individuals .
12 The general preference was that if the message or the information was ambiguous , it was preferable to use oral forms of communication .
13 These give details of present site locations and some indication of permitted wastes , though little or no information on closed and abandoned sites .
14 When I first began designing for double jacquard , which was quite a long time ago , there was little or no information available and not many knitters used the technique , so over the years I learnt the hard way by trial and error .
15 When a direct file is loaded for the first time , we may have little or no information about the individual records that make it up .
16 The methodology is designed to enable the applied econometrician to make good use of economic data , and of the information provided by economic theory , while reducing the risk of drawing incorrect conclusions or making inaccurate forecasts , owing to invalid assumptions about aspects of behaviour on which there is little or no information .
17 An example would be where the sale of a good also includes a maintenance contract or an information service .
18 ( 3 ) Neither the sales information in general , nor the information about the prices in particular , though of some value to a competitor , could reasonably be regarded as plainly secret or sensitive .
19 The initial outlay is quite low and the information here is based on using equipment and ingredients that are freely available .
20 At the receiver , the signal is demodulated and the information — the voice - extracted .
21 No patients would be identified and the information would be confidentially passed to the British Medical Association and then on to the Home Office .
22 MI5 never replied , GCHQ expressed polite and emphatically arm 's length interest , and the CIA offered help , exhibits and the information that the only other museum of spying they know of is in Havana .
23 And the information available on capital values in the housing market is correspondingly lavish .
24 The second is analysis , for which the method will be dictated by the material , potential sample size and the information needed .
25 All such offers will have been carefully checked before acceptance and the information provided will be limited to your name and address only .
26 In contrast to most of the statutorily required information , the information produced by these ‘ commentators ’ , and the information from the players that they are not legally required to release , but have chosen to do so voluntarily , can appear in a large number of logical documentary formats :
27 C. Study the pie graph for Plymouth and the information in the text and maps on pages 29 , 30 and 33 .
28 Some of the most important features of the remedies are highlighted and the information is presented in an easy-to-use tabular form .
29 Not only do books often tend to be rather broad in their approach to a subject , but they can also take a long time to be published after they are written and the information may thus be out of date .
30 Unfortunately , encyclopaedias are very expensive to compile and publish so one can not hope for a new edition every year and the information in them is thus often very dated .
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