Example sentences of "[noun prp] over [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That meant , quite apart from anything else , the inevitable combination of Liberalism and Non-Conformity Over successive generations in the Hockin household , Gladstone and Lloyd George , as well as the current line-up of Liberal MPs down in the West Country were names mentioned in almost reverential tones .
2 The Trade Negotiations Committee ( TNC ) consisting of senior trade officials from 108 governments , agreed in Geneva on Jan. 13 to extend the deadline for the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) from January to April amidst reports of bitter disagreement between the European Communities ( EC ) and the United States over agricultural subsidies .
3 Under the direction of Mr T. J. Papworth of GeoMinerals Exploration Inc. , a CGG crew , using four vibrators , successfully recorded two lines AA' and BB' over Mesozoic sedimentary strata and thin basalt remnants close to the coast and to the edge of the basalt outcrop to the north of Belfast .
4 The threat of a serious military confrontation with Ecuador over long-disputed territory in the Condor Range Amazonian border region , was reported to have faded by Oct. 29 .
5 Delighted with their silver medals for reaching the final against the world champions , England saw the match open with an expected win by the world champion Jorgen Persson over English champion Chen Xinhua 21–8 , 21–18 .
6 Odd codling to 3 lb at Sandown over low water .
7 Accountability — many of the changes in the NHS over recent years have had an implicit , if not explicit , goal of strengthening the notion of line management .
8 FIFTEEN dentists ' practices are to consider resigning from the NHS over proposed government funding cuts they fear could lead to bankruptcy .
9 A further advantage of RMI over previous approaches was that it is consistent with the growing influence of general management .
10 This happened in New England over religious issues ; it was to happen in a great many other places , usually for less solemn reasons , over the next three centuries .
11 The variations in fortunes thus produced saw changes in the county 's position relative to the rest of England over long periods ; more immediately , there was often a considerable contrast between wealth and poverty in different parts of the area .
12 The man is believed to have been involved in a series of robberies in the north of England over recent months .
13 ‘ I just hope that they 're not an indication of Irish troubles finding their way into Wales in the way they have in parts of England over recent days and weeks , ’ said Mr Wigley .
14 That echoes the fierce debate in England over so-called trendy teaching methods , and over political interference in the curriculum by the Government .
15 Responding to concern expressed by Andreotti over human rights in China , Jiang Zemin said that China 's record on feeding and clothing its population constituted observance of human rights , and was " a great contribution to world peace " .
16 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church virtually split into two during June and July over rival claims to legitimacy .
17 Washington is likely to react angrily to Kiev 's stance , the latest example of brinkmanship between Russia and Ukraine over military matters , which could scuttle what was hailed as the most significant arms deal reached by the superpowers .
18 Thus , while the British government shared the concern in Washington over Soviet encouragement of a separatist movement in the northern Iranian province of Azerbaijan in the early months of 1946 , Bevin wisely chose to act merely in parallel with the United States at the UN .
19 Talks with Russia over disputed territories
20 Anger is growing among hill trampers in Scotland over controversial plans to build a restaurant at the foot of the Cuillin mountain range on the island of Skye .
21 Talks on the division collapsed last week in Geneva over territorial issues , prompting fears of more intense fighting in Bosnia .
22 Above all , despite frequent irritation with Helen over trivial expenses and her unbusinesslike attitude to her wages , he relied heavily on her temper , ‘ her genius for joy ’ , to help him break free of these moods .
23 The first victim of a collapse in morale was the Sunday Telegraph : its former editor , Peregrine Worsthorne , sacked by Mr Knight over poached eggs at Claridges , was confined to organising its distinctive opinion pages .
24 Against Kent at The Oval in 1922 , he scored 137 in 90 minutes and hit a fast-medium widish half-volley from G.J. Bryan over extra cover for six .
25 Luis Otavio da Motta Veiga , president of the Brazilian Petroleum Corporation ( Petrobrás ) , resigned on Oct. 19 following disagreements with Cardoso de Mello over current petrol pricing policy .
26 It became entwined with the separate dispute with ASLEF over flexible rostering , which the board had announced would be introduced from July with or without agreement .
27 In 1970 and again in 1970–80 there were diplomatic skirmishes between the United States and the USSR over Soviet attempts to emplace support barges at Cienfuegos clearly intended to allow for the operation of Soviet nuclear submarines out of Cuba .
28 Intensive diplomatic activity in the first half of September included ( i ) meetings by the UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar with Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz in Amman on Aug. 31-Sept. 1 , which the former described on Sept. 2 as disappointing ; ( ii ) numerous visits to the region and bilateral consultations , including Baker 's tour of the Gulf and European capitals , and a Gulf visit on Aug. 31-Sept. 5 by UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd , which was marked by hostile demonstrations in Jordan over British policy ; and ( iii ) the superpower summit meeting in Helsinki on Sept. 9 .
29 From its inception until 1954 the EDC treaty hung like a sword of Damocles over French politics , albeit only one of many problems that afflicted government .
30 The advantage of the SAM over optical equipment for the same purpose , he says , depends on the fact that coal is black , and absorbs most of the light you point at it .
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