Example sentences of "[noun prp] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We got a name , we left Riverside and we slung Wally out of the band .
2 But we also had to leave because we chucked Wally out of the band .
3 With Wally out of the band we could really take it seriously .
4 The sight of it snapped Marie out of her dreamworld .
5 He greeted Corbett warmly , ensured that the garron was safely returned to its stable in Inverkeithing and then rowed Corbett out across the Forth .
6 He knocked Corbett out in the fourteenth round at Carson City , Nevada , in 1897 , with what has been described as the most famous single punch in the history of boxing .
7 If they did n't , it would mean she 'd have to get Ari out of Arcady and fast .
8 You may take Hector out for his run now . ’
9 He managed to manhandle Tammuz out of the door , to the sound of Jahsaxa 's malevolent laughter .
10 Barlow said : ‘ It is up to me to keep Neil out of the side and prove the manager wrong .
11 Dora out of Follyfoot
12 ‘ Rourke is going to the Brooksby plant , and I 'll be out for some time , so I wondered if you could come over and help Becky out with the computer ?
13 as he half knew , he would be asked to acquiesce in some lunatic scheme for pulling Tristram out of trouble , and saw her for a moment from a position of detachment : a tall young woman looking younger than her twenty-nine years .
14 You go and get Tristram out of durance vile , helped or handicapped by Jeremy — for the sake of his talent , if nothing else .
15 McLeish grunted , feeling meanly triumphant that he had turned out to be right in his view that Francesca would not be able to sweep Tristram out of the hands of the New York police in quite the Napoleonic way she had assumed .
16 He followed Eloise out of the sitting room — she called it her boudoir , which he thought an affectation — and along the wide corridor towards the big first-floor room where the Brückners held their parties and the guests were able to admire his Russian art collection .
17 It made a £3m upfront payment to Lloyds out of the total £10m agreed .
18 The enlightened Bazarov had inherited , was continuous with , took a stage further , the liberal and Westernizing impulse of the 1840s which itself followed the Decembrist uprising of 1825 , an aristocratic bid for reform by men who had chased Napoleon out of Russia and had later felt the civilizing influence of Paris .
19 Meanwhile the emperor Valentinian offered remission of tribute for ten years to any people who could drive the Alans out of the Maeotic swamps .
20 At the time I was involved in various things at Philips Records and I asked someone if they knew of anyone who could get David out of his contract , and was told that he knew a man called Tony DeFries who was actually not allowed to practise at the bar — he was a consultant , a trouble-shooter , divorce cases .
21 He 's trying to knock David out of course is n't he ?
22 The goal at Newcastle , marking Cuntona out of the scum match , and then nearly winning the game late on .
23 This part of the ‘ window ’ can be used for long-range scrying ; a character looking into it and willing himself to see a far-distant scene can see into an elliptical area bounded by Middenheim to the north , Nuln to the south , some 25 miles west of Altdorf , and to around 100 miles east along the River Talabec out of Altdorf .
24 When Malaysia was admitted to the Security Council of the UN in December 1964 , Sukarno played his last card : he took Indonesia out of the UN , declaring ( in words made familiar by Hitler ) ‘ our patience has come to an end ’ .
25 At that moment , she wanted Johnny Latimer out of her house .
26 When asked which candidate would do a better job at ‘ Keeping the United States out of war ’ , 50 per cent of those polled said Carter while 25 per cent opted for Ronald Reagan .
27 The Second World War forced the United States out of its isolationist past and onto the world stage as the leading capitalist economy .
28 Had it not been for his desire to sound Eleanor out on the subject of Liza , he felt he could easily have done so .
29 But it was too late in the day to get Hungary out of its Axis alliances and it was he who annexed Ruthenia and negotiated the Vienna Award of August 1940 , by which Hitler gave back to Hungary half of Transylvania , including the old regional capital of Kolozsvár ( Cluj ) .
30 An attempt to establish a ‘ liberal communist ’ regime under Imre Nagy which appeared likely to take Hungary out of the Warsaw Treaty Organisation was brutally crushed by Soviet tanks in October 1956 , and a new leadership under János Kádár was installed which took a long time to establish any measure of domestic support .
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