Example sentences of "[noun prp] said they " in BNC.

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1 When the Ewe of Bé called for guns , the Kabye said they would find guns too .
2 The buildings belong to Teesside Development Corporation , whose spokeswoman Fiona Blackwell said they were bought when there was a possibility of a massive motorsports development adjoining the site .
3 Mrs Orton said they were messy things , got into everything .
4 Sales manager Rikki Johnstone said they got the idea after roadworks created traffic jams outside their garage at Winchester .
5 ‘ Isabella and Edgar said they might call here this afternoon .
6 But Arsenal said they had always made it clear that , while Bondholders would get priority for tickets , any still available would be sold .
7 Yes well Paulie said they did .
8 Customer Services Manager Phillipa Orriss said they raised almost £100 , and a great day was had on both sides of the counter .
9 Ann said they kept both wanting the same thing at the same time .
10 Pat said they went to late-night movies , and then on to parties .
11 Hector said they both knew you were going to break the truce yourself in the spring anyway .
12 According to police , the Macleans said they had no objection to the film , as long as they were n't involved .
13 Spokesman Simon Lyster said they " were hoping for much bigger measures to protect Britain 's remaining wildlife habitats on the land and in the sea " .
14 A measure of the difference between Mr Major 's personal standing and Mrs Thatcher 's is that , whereas a mere 19 per cent of voters on Friday and Saturday said they thought Mr Major would make the worst Prime Minister , nearly double that proportion , 34 per cent , thought the same of Mrs Thatcher five years ago .
15 So Bobby said they said oh dad said we can come in the house .
16 One of the things we did n't mention , deliberately , which I , I know Richard said they had a long debate about was child labour .
17 Mr T said they felt unclean , violated .
18 Malcolm and Ross said they did .
19 His concerns are echoed by legal academics throughout Scotland : Prof Robert Black of Edinburgh University has described the proposals as outrageous , while Prof Douglas Cusine at Aberdeen said they are a sad reflection on our society .
20 Both the ECGD and Bank of Scotland said they would not comment until the programme had been shown .
21 Union leaders in Scotland said they were confident of a large vote in favour of the move .
22 Yeah , that 's what Alan said they were away were n't they , she 'd only gone to walk the dog
23 A spokesman for LEEL said they wanted the event to continue , adding : ‘ However , our involvement was in helping to establish the feasibility of the first event .
24 Brenda said they were doing a post mortem this morning .
25 Miss Tuckey said they made good agents .
26 Pat Hanson , who led the successful Hall Garth team Vanessa Conning , Gail Hall , Mark Jackson , Tom Newbould and Keith Webber said they had put in a lot of hard work .
27 Lady Fairbairn said they were peppered with pellets as they walked in the garden of Fordell Castle , their home in Fife , Scotland .
28 I mean , th tha when we took it over we , we got that , cos people said well , you know , just dishing out the oranges was n't there should be something organized so Rotaract said they would do we said we would give the money towards the prizes .
29 Up Front 's producer Christine Ruth said they were disappointed at the reaction from Mersey Television but that the item would go ahead regardless .
30 ‘ We were n't getting anywhere and the ANC said they were still to reach a decision .
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