Example sentences of "[noun prp] thought i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Dysart paid over the odds for charring , and my Wilfrid thought I was mad to give it up , but I was glad to go , believe you me , glad to be out of that house for good and all .
2 ‘ And I still ca n't understand why Caro thought I 'd like you . ’
3 Mavis thought I was crying , and indeed I was n't far from that either .
4 Marlies thought I had fallen off a ladder fixing a letter G from the conference slogan of that year , ‘ Britain Winning Through ’ .
5 Well , it will surprise you to know that Mrs Glen thought I , me , myself , personally had been up to no good .
6 Perhaps it was understandable that Gustave thought I was only jealous .
7 I think Fancher thought I 'd have dope sent to the Voice .
8 ‘ Yes , Philippe thought I should be kept out of the way for a few days … ’
9 Cardinal Wolsey thought I knew his name . ’
10 During the Christie 's London Old Master drawings sale last season he approached a number of leading dealers ( ‘ I 'm sure Noel Annesley thought I was organising a ring ’ he commented ) and arranged a meeting .
11 Bill thought I 'd died on him the other night cos I was , you know , me breathing and everything , and then all of a sudden I must 've relaxed for a bit and not needed to breathe and he give me a shock he says God I thought you were dead .
12 It 's funny , I never really did like him and Ken Pitt thought I always wanted them to be together .
13 ‘ If Ken Harris thought I 'd withheld information … ’
14 ‘ I suppose Mrs C. thought I 'd be swilling it down like an alcoholic if she left it in the room .
15 Bambridge thought I might like to see her run .
16 I had been given a very short time to assimilate the books of poetry and to write the review : a time-limit that would have been almost impossible for me to meet today , so much more sluggish has my mind become ; but I felt that if Eliot thought I could do the job , it was doubtless within my capacity .
17 Diana said I looked ill , and needed a holiday at the seaside , but St John thought I ought to concentrate on more serious work , and gave me even more Hindustani exercises to do .
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