Example sentences of "[noun prp] work at " in BNC.

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1 Rattigan will be responsible for ShowMe in Ireland , Sweden , Norway , Finland , Denmark , Belgium , Luxembourg and the Netherlands : he now wo n't be heading over to Moscow to work at Sun 's long-planned Commonwealth of Independent States operation .
2 Rattigan will be responsible for ShowMe in Ireland , Sweden , Norway , Finland , Denmark , Belgium , Luxembourg and the Netherlands : he now wo n't be heading over to Moscow to work at Sun 's long-planned Commonwealth of Independent States operation ( UX No 424 ) .
3 Through the Sixties Jack and Ann worked at the Nestfield Unionist Club , in Albert Hill , Darlington , supervising the new club when it was first opened .
4 AFTER THEY HAD WRITTEN ‘ I 'm Too Sexy ’ , a plugger called Guy Holmes — who may or may not have heard the song working out at the Putney gym , the Dance Attic , which Fred managed and Richard worked at — got interested .
5 Ian Hollingsbee worked at the hospital before it closed 4 years ago .
6 Before Burt 's Mr Magson worked at Inigo Jones for five years .
7 Closure of Renault works at Billancourt
8 The first results on the pinch system were reported by Stanley Cousins and Alan Ware from Imperial College , London , and , independently , from Peter Thonemann working at Oxford University in 1951 .
9 She and Maggie worked at The Haven hotel where they 'd been employed since leaving school three years previously .
10 Eriks worked at his weaknesses and on current form he 's up there with Neville Southall , Tony Coton and David Seaman . ‘
11 Spectrography tests and examinations under an electron microscope confirmed that the distinctive blue paper was manufactured in Venice in 1510 and was a perfect match with other Leonardo works at Windsor .
12 Ruth works at Dumfries Whitesands Branch .
13 All staff in these offices were offered the opportunity to go to Bristol to work at the head office .
14 So a fellow named Mr worked at he was a neighbour , I got talking to him he says I 'll mention it and you can come .
15 When Fr when Fred worked at Higgins packets of potatoes
16 Flitcroft worked at Stourhead for some twenty years : the temple of Flora was built c .1745 , but the best-known building is the Pantheon of 1753–4 , which recalls the painting by Claude Lorrain , ‘ Aeneas at Delos ’ ( National Gallery , London ) .
17 And Hazel worked at on
18 More radically still , Derrida works at the limits of any possible philosophy of history , arguing that it is not just that the problems of hermeneutics , specifically of interpretation and language , affect historical understanding , but that what in a broad sense he calls writing , or différance , determines history .
19 Monday morning curiously saw only engines built in Swindon and Bristol working at Quainton and on the ACE .
20 We were approaching the Rover works at Cowley when Michael declared that he felt as if he could pull back the steering column and take off .
21 In 1929 he went to Paris to work at the Pasteur Institute .
22 Anna worked at a little table in their bedroom .
23 Her husband Mervyn worked at the Swindon railway workshops for 46 years and was frequently exposed to asbestos .
24 Again on stylistic grounds it is probable that Witney worked at Malmesbury Abbey and on the chapel and sacristy at Merton College , Oxford , c .1309–32 , where the master was named Thomas .
25 Dr Harold Aspden works at the Department of Electrical Engineering , University of Southampton .
26 Joanne works at a grammar school and almost all her teaching experience has been at this school .
27 It comes as no surprise to us that the LDOS has managed in recent years to attract packed houses for public meetings to oppose Sunday working at the construction site at Arnish Point near Stornoway and for the campaign against Sunday sailings to the Western Isles by Cal-Mac .
28 The Sunday working at Sainsbury helped maintain the household 's income , she said .
29 Gwynedd County Council yesterday voted by 35 to 19 to grant the firm temporary permission for Sunday working at its tarmacadam plant .
30 Next V-1 sortie was a daylight one at Beauvoir on June 29 , R5868 's first daylight sortie since its fourth operation with 83 Squadron on July 18 , 1942 , when it bombed the Krupps works at Essen .
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