Example sentences of "[noun prp] tell [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What I am saying here now is not hearsay , this is what David telled us in his Bible meetings .
2 ‘ Do n't try and be clever , ’ Markby told him , hanging determinedly on to his patience .
3 Some days later Gwenellen told me he had attended his first follow-up clinic two days previously .
4 ‘ Kill one or two and run away , ’ Woolley told him .
5 ‘ You did a piss-poor-job on those balloons , ’ Woolley told him .
6 ‘ You 're simple , ’ Woolley told him .
7 David said : ‘ Kylie told me she wanted our romance to end because she had a lot of pressure from work — she was always very busy . ’
8 Corbett told them all to shut up .
9 When the two-week holiday finished , Richard told her he was going to Dijon in the centre of France .
10 She says Richard told her they would n't open Heaven 's gates for him .
11 ‘ Nobody is going to kidnap me up here , ’ Richard told him , jumping off a boulder for joy .
12 ‘ I should ask Black Will , ’ Richard told him .
13 Richard told me that his interpretation of Prince Hal caused some trouble with the director who was himself playing Falstaff and consequently wanted no serious note to disturb the comedy of the tavern scenes .
14 Richard told me that in battle a lot of unpopular officers are killed by their own men . ’
15 Slater sighed wistfully , " Do all the things I would n't dream of doing , but do n't forget what your Uncle Richard told you . "
16 When Heg told us about TIE 's contacts in Brazil , we wrote to them .
17 ‘ Viviente ’ used to be the name of the house , Kay told him .
18 Madeira is a volcanic island and the temperature stays at roughly seventy degrees all year round , ’ Kay told her , ‘ so it 's just perfect .
19 Kay told her .
20 ‘ At the top of the stairs , ’ Angie told him .
21 She said Mr Mandela told them that he had written a document setting out his views on negotiations , the prospect of which President de Klerk has been promoting since well before the National Party returned to power in the 6 September elections .
22 Bernice told him that she and her friend , the Doctor , had crash-landed on the planet .
23 ‘ She 's at the 'ospital wiv 'im , Carrie , ’ Maisie told her .
24 ‘ But Maisie told me there were gas masks in some depots ready to be given out .
25 She used to be one of that Rajneesh lot , she always lives in communes , and Linda told me she was looking for somewhere .
26 When I came round again , I could not see and Jorge told me my father was dead . ’
27 Sydel told him that when Jeopardy argued with Amber , it was never about love , but always about the Vibrancy .
28 Ferguson explained : ‘ Lawrie told me that under a new regulation Ince must join the squad anyway .
29 ‘ We 've got even numbers now , Christine , ’ Ann told her .
30 Nervous Ann told him : ‘ It 's coming , it 's coming — do something quick . ’
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