Example sentences of "[noun prp] have for " in BNC.

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1 In the preface to his Hortus Britanno-Americanus ( written in 1749 but not published until 1763 ) Mark Catesby [ q.v. ] , the pioneer naturalist of the south-eastern states of America , said that ‘ Mr. Gray at Fulham has for many years made it his business to raise and cultivate the plants of America ( from whence he has annually fresh supplies ) in order to furnish the curious with what they want …
2 Interview he sez ICI has for the last two decades looked at ways of helping the environment .
3 Unlike the UK , the Netherlands has for most of the time since 1950 pursued a consistent policy of reducing and limiting the prison population ; overall it is difficult to argue that this reduction in punishment has adversely affected the Netherlands ' crime rate , which has risen in a roughly similar manner to that in the UK over this period ( Downes , 1999 : 33–41 , 194–5 ; NACRO , 1991a : 93 ) .
4 Partly because the machinery of repression has been so all-embracing for so long , stifling any messages of opposition before they reached a platform , and partly because Romania has for so long been cut off from the mainstream of European thinking and political change , constructive ideas have been hard to come by .
5 BML has for some time been concerned about the declining popularity of the NBS , which began in a blaze of publicity in 1955 .
6 The University of Warwick has for some time provided the possibility of studying both English and foreign texts in a comparative way at undergraduate level .
7 Bookselling has for long been stereotyped as a sheltered world , separated from the usual pressures of everday business concerns , where change is almost instinctively resisted .
8 the same a as what Ann had for theirs I mean we 've had it for a year and paid all that rent .
9 And he will talk about the affection Crosby had for Ireland .
10 However , Syrian officials contended that with the signing of the treaty Syria had for the first time formally acknowledged Lebanon as an independent state .
11 Crevecoeur had for a brief , intoxicating time enjoyed intimate relations with Ms Micklemas , an affair whose firepower had been skyfilling and radiant and whose energy devoured itself within two weeks .
12 The Department of Agriculture in Scotland has for many years conducted individual farm assessments with appeal committees on which farmers are represented .
13 HCIMA has for many years been active in accrediting hotel and catering programmes , both in Europe and around the world .
14 Brazil has for political reasons pushed Proalcool despite the fact that in narrow economic terms gasohol is still inferior to petrol .
15 The way of life of the Dalmatian peasants and fisherfolk , and of the citizens of the former Venetian colonies of Split , Šibenik and Zadar has for centuries resembled that of the Italians on the western shore of the Adriatic rather than that of their Slav cousins who inhabit the Balkan interior .
16 Moya Hood has for the last year been teaching weekly classes at Stroud Court in Gloucestershire , a sheltered community opened in 1983 for autistic adolescents and adults .
17 And Glotz has for many years now supervised all my recordings .
18 He encouraged us also to get more involved in equine matters , considering the potential Ireland had for such things .
19 For Henri , the desire for French control of Scotland had for the moment given way to Valois need to counter an extension of Hapsburg power ; and Mary was as useful for the one as for the other .
20 As MP for Derby from 1868 to 1880 Plimsoll had for years attacked the shipowning interest and the government which supported it hip and thigh on the unnecessary loss of life and property at sea , attracting great publicity in 1875 by being ordered to retire from the House of Commons following a particularly violent denunciation of their callous and self-interested behaviour .
21 Any feelings Hope had for her — and though they had included a certain measure of respect and the possibility of desire , they had not been strong — now alchemised into a quite violent dislike .
22 Korea had for centuries been an independent nation ( though within the Chinese orbit ) .
23 The houses of the great in England had for centuries served as the model for the aspiring middle classes .
24 In Palermo , Sicily , an absolute majority was won by the DC list headed by the former mayor Leoluca Orlando ( representing the left-oriented faction of the DC ) , who until his resignation in February had for the previous 2@1/2 years headed an " anti-Mafia " coalition of the DC and the PCI .
25 Marx 's ideas about Russia have for obvious reasons been discussed extensively , but this has significance for Marx 's anthropology in two ways .
26 Margaret Shepherd , whose cafe in Queen Street has for many years been popular with parties of elderly people , said many handicapped groups had cancelled this year because they could no longer walk straight from the cafe to the seafront .
27 Alyssia had for some reason thought that he spent the majority of his life in England , but it turned out that , although he owned a flat in London , he spent quite a lot of time working overseas .
28 Soviet spokesmen could argue that although the USSR had for decades proselytised the notion of a national liberation or solidarity ‘ front ’ of Third World states , aligned at least politically to the Soviet bloc , it had not created regional groupings or coalitions of states militarily tied to the USSR or the Warsaw Pact and it had supported the opposition of the non-aligned states to military blocs .
29 It is also proof of the high regard that the right hon. Member for Finchley had for the right hon. Gentleman and his presence in her Cabinet .
30 She wandered around the lodge , looking patently bored , refusing to take part in activities , and complaining about the service , the primitive facilities , and the lack of time Matthew had for her .
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