Example sentences of "[vb past] given [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As I , well I got given orders .
2 Stuart said he 'd given Oliver some money , which I thought was quite unnecessary , not that I said so .
3 She told me that she could n't be happy until she 'd given birth and , in the course of time , I began to understand what she meant .
4 Suddenly , as we were walking on , we heard the dogs barking in that frantic , menacing way that could only mean they 'd given chase .
5 Ken said — he came for Sunday lunch now , often with his stepdaughter but without his wife , who felt awkward in Ellen 's presence — that it reminded him of a kitten he 'd given Wendy on the day she gave birth to Apricot .
6 She remembered how helplessly she 'd given way to Jake 's madness on Starr Hills .
7 But surely not as furious as he would have been afterwards , if they 'd given way to the temptations of their flesh ?
8 And , after all , she 'd given Theodora a name .
9 But I wish I 'd known you 'd given orders that you did n't want to be moved to hospital . ’
10 You see , I 'd given Elaine our address — she wanted to keep in touch .
11 I 'd given Luke and Ma a few problems .
12 ‘ Only the day before , you came barging into the flat , insinuating that I 'd given information to Richard Blake .
13 Quite suddenly she felt a generous relief , as though she 'd given science and herself new hope of heaven , and set out through the gathering dark , home , home across the dragon-haunted park .
14 What had been intended as a warning shot across the government 's bows has sunk a government that had given Poland a year of political continuity , maintained budgetary austerity against populist opposition and taken the first steps on two essential reforms that now go into limbo .
15 Doubtless these were given too little weight because it was reasonable to expect that tidal forces of the Sun had given Mercury synchronous rotation .
16 In such discussions Zuwaya generally assumed that they had given offence unwittingly , and that malign actions were always done by others , requiring Zuwaya to pursue justice .
17 It is not surprising either to find that English visitors were hostile ; the notable point is that their real venom was unleashed not in the period before 1560 , when England and Scotland were nourishing their long-standing enmity , but afterwards , when they were officially allies , and particularly once the unthinkable and shameful had happened , and Scotland had given England a king , in the person of James VI in 1603 .
18 The capture of Calais by Edward III in 1347 had given England virtual control of the Straits .
19 The ‘ eminent doctors ’ had given evidence in the trial to the effect that it was acceptable to ‘ invoke a regime of starvation and sedation to quickly speed the demise of the handicapped child . ’
20 A Mr Ashton had given evidence to the Inquiry and quoted a third party , who appeared to criticise its works .
21 Chief Inspector Buchanan had given evidence tersely , in a dry tone .
22 In another case , the Court of Appeal held that a prosecution had been properly discontinued when a defendant had taken out a private prosecution for perjury against a witness who had given evidence against him at committal proceedings .
23 Perhaps the most serious incident was where several M.P.s deliberately identified an officer of the security services who had given evidence in court under the name Colonel B. The court had warned that any attempt to name the officer would be a contempt of court .
24 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the appropriate means of achieving fairness to an accused with regard to disclosure to the defence of material in the prosecution 's possession was a matter to be determined by the particular legislature , executive and judiciary concerned ; that although the Jamaican practice , particularly in relation to inconsistent previous statements , would normally be an acceptable means of achieving such fairness it did not extend to every situation in which fairness required the prosecution to make material available to the defence ; that where the prosecution intended a witness 's evidence to be based on his statement to the police and to deviate significantly from his deposition , the prosecution was under a duty to supply the defence with a copy of the statement before the trial ; and that , therefore , since the deceased 's husband and sister had given evidence inconsistent with their statements , and important testimony had been adduced from them which had not been foreshadowed in their depositions , the failure to disclose their statements to the defence constituted a material irregularity ( post , pp. 161H — 162A , B , B–C , 165C–E ) .
25 When Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Everett had given evidence , prosecuting counsel , after consulting those instructing him , said he would offer no further evidence .
26 Feelings she 'd believed anaesthetised had given evidence of being very much awake .
27 The soldier told Belfast Crown Court he was aware that a forensic scientist had given evidence maintaining a bullet fired by him ( Clegg ) entered the rear of the vehicle and struck Miss Reilly .
28 Critics of the administration 's policy claimed that some Haitians who had fled the country a second time , after being repatriated in 1991 , had given evidence of persecution in interviews to UN officials .
29 On Feb. 20 Rubio had given evidence to the economic commission of the Congress of Deputies .
30 Puddephat had given evidence , saying Melanie Gandell had been one of his brightest students , and he had gone out of his way to encourage her academically as a result .
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