Example sentences of "[vb past] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Designed by John Carr of York and built over a period of thirteen years between 1759 and 1772 , its spectacular interior boasts exquisite plasterwork ceilings by the Scottish architect Robert Adam decorated by Angelica Kaufman , Biagio Rebecca and Antonio Zucchi .
2 When I tell you she weighed over a ton , you can see why we were a bit nervous .
3 petals strongly and sweetly perfumed , retained over a long period when dried , used in perfumery , potpourris , for perfuming writing paper .
4 ‘ We had a photographer here , once , from a colour supplement , ’ Finn told Melanie one morning as she exclaimed over a fresh assortment of jumping-jacks ( soldiers in red jackets , each sporting a row of meticulously painted medals ) that they were too good for children .
5 Its massive cathedrals towered over a community whose port and commercial infrastructure had collapsed as investment declined and union power encroached .
6 He peered over a rampart of cushions .
7 A DAREDEVIL parachutist appeared in court yesterday charged over a leap INSIDE St Paul 's Cathedral and another off Tower Bridge .
8 Fawehinmi , charged over a magazine article in which he accused Babangida of planning to cling to power , had already been sentenced on Jan. 5 to 12 months imprisonment for contempt of court , but had been released on bail pending an appeal .
9 MICHAEL Bradbury , 50 , is due to appear in court in Bournemouth today charged over an alleged blackmail plot against Sainsbury supermarkets .
10 Artists had been hired especially to prepare these culinary masterpieces in the lifelike forms of birds , beasts and cattle , jousting courtiers in full armour , soldiers battling with cross-bows , knights dancing with ladies ; all were vividly depicted in the gilded confections which rose over a yard high from the groaning dining tables .
11 Four Minor Project schools were selected for closer investigation by the evaluation team and visited over a period of one or two days .
12 Gradually , collaborative writing ( writing in pairs , threes , fours and sustained over a number of sessions ) began to increase .
13 She strained over a little more .
14 As the train thundered over a set of points he steadied himself against her seat for a moment , then wandered off down the aisle .
15 Without warning Hasan bumped over a kerb and drove across a stretch of grass towards a precipitous drop .
16 Turning off the lane at a sign marked ‘ Private Road ’ , they bumped over a long , pot-holed track , climbing up towards the brow of the hill .
17 Nearing the noise he was not surprised to find Tock bent over a bag of tools .
18 Sunday lunchtime found Joseph Shill bent over a table at the King 's Head at Egham .
19 Now , bent over a box , she nearly choked at this reference to her daughters ' poverty .
20 Here , taking a milk measure from a marble slab , she bent over a big brown earthenware jar , took off the wooden lid , dipped in the measure and scooped up some clean water , which she handed to the child , saying , ‘ Drink that . ’
21 When the Headmaster wanted a little exercise , you bent over a chair and got six — twelve with a cane on the backside ; if you were hit just below the buttocks on the legs , it hurt more .
22 A man with his back to her bent over a large table covered with papers , his silver hair catching the light from an overhead lamp .
23 There were a dozen mourners from the family in the front pews — women with grey curls and mild glasses , an old man bent over a stick , his head projecting forwards from the unoccupied collar of his overcoat like a tortoise 's ; a schoolboy in a neat navy-blue trenchcoat , holding a maroon cap .
24 Dexter bent over a withered fern on the window sill and plucked off some desiccated fronds .
25 The place was empty , but for a cloak-shrouded figure bent over a rosary to the right of the door , and a man sitting alone in the front row .
26 ‘ Haw — ha — ha — ’ he gasped , putting one hand on another pump to steady himself as he bent over a little and looked at his feet , the other hand on a knee , his chest heaving .
27 If anyone had seen me bent over a motorbike with my ear pressed to the back of a Transit van outside the Barbican that morning , probably nobody would have looked twice .
28 Buster bent over a table , on trestles ( airman 's six-foot , for the use of ) , and received his punishment from a great monster as we thought at the time , a flight sergeant RAF policeman with a cane .
29 In the first incident McConville , of Lurgan Road , Aghagallon , rubbed his hands up and down her sides as she bent over a dishwasher in the kitchen .
30 As Chitty J. lamented over a century ago :
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