Example sentences of "[vb past] us for " in BNC.

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1 They have accepted us and used us for the furthering of the Kingdom here in Taquaral .
2 There was one general 's wife who looked like a peasant in disguise and another woman whose get-up produced ill-concealed mirth among the assembly , but an icy glance from the Empress soon punished us for it .
3 The guard invited us for tea .
4 No , well they 've actually done something this time , the accountant 's going to be there , I mean when we went last time they just said we know nothing about running a hall , we bought you here to tell us and charged us for the privilege .
5 God created us for His own purposes , gave us free will to decide between good and evil , but retained unto Himself the ultimate decisions about the creation of life .
6 Augustine expressed his own restlessness and desire by saying to God : ‘ You created us for yourself , and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you . ’
7 British Airways staff are fantastic , whatever class you travel , and plied Kenneth with enough booze to soften the effect of two Sun journalists who approached us for a story and picture after we 'd been airborne for about eight hours .
8 Nothing , however , quite prepared us for the momentous last months of this decade .
9 The effects of the adrenaline which prepared us for a fight or flight situation actually work against us when we can not do either .
10 The methods Souness used when he set about a struggling Rangers , turned them around and picked up Championships and cups , prepared us for what was on the way at Anfield .
11 They are narrative , and tell us of a situation , or prepare us for some significant message : Once having told us the story , set the mood , and prepared us for the shout of a choir of angels , Handel could paint a triumphant musical fresco with just a few poetic words :
12 Gordon Macpherson 's Prosen , a long arch of sound , eerie music from distant mountains with the instruments imitating and overlapping in echo effect , taught the ear to listen and prepared us for a fresh hearing of Tchaikovsky 's Souvenir de Florence , ravishing but not cloying , spinning to a close in the exacting fugue which made the composer laugh when he first played it .
13 We all do things together and it lifted us for the game on Saturday .
14 In August , we rented a house in Wales , and Shanti and Chris , our son Barney and his wife Veronika , and their children Mark and Rachel all joined us for a seaside holiday .
15 That weekend , we had a glorious ride and walk in Derbyshire , and our family joined us for a meal .
16 Writers were Tom Leonard , Alasdair Gray and ( he joined us for ‘ The Pie ’ ) Jim Kelman and I. Tom 's black , black ironies and satires on the Lebanon , the New Right , the Media , West of Scotland sectarianism and chauvinism ; Alasdair Gray 's insane Grant family , his moneyed braggarts and blusterers , his quick shifts of dramatic power in curt sketches , his deranged respected old politicos ; Jim Kelman 's surrealist pubs and monologuing gamblers , and grim almost folk tales — like the story of ‘ The Hon ’ that comes up out of the lavatory pan ( ’ Yi nivir know the minit ’ ) meant that the broad rather lightweight stuff I wrote for these revues had plenty of stronger , more solid , meatier material contrasting with it .
17 Thomasino Boyd , who joined us for the last couple of years , and before that ( in Scots accent ) Doogie Rae .
18 And Lee and his girl-friend , Suzanne , drove up from Plymouth in time to miss it , but joined us for dinner at Browns .
19 Richard joined us for dinner , though he ate cautiously .
20 The Club Captain , John Gunne and Lady Captain , Josie McPhillips joined us for the Outing and for the evening celebrations .
21 They joined us for breakfast that first sunny morning on the terrace of our secluded villa tucked amid the pine trees by the sparkling blue sea .
22 Bishop O'Brien made us feel that we were a very important part of the world-wide Church and he encouraged us for our future as adult members of the Catholic Church .
23 But Charlton joint manager Alan Curbishley said : ‘ They slaughtered us for half an hour — but only half an hour .
24 They thanked us for coming .
25 Erm and also from er Alan MP from he er thanked us for inviting er him here today but he says , unfortunately I already have a previous engagement in London , and so will be unable to join you on this occasion .
26 Frank Kelly thanked us for our efforts and I somehow was volunteered again to make the reply .
27 Er , I I 'll skip through it cos ' most people have n't got the copies with them , er we looked , you 'll remember that the A C C ops meeting thanked us for providing Beeston with a U V lamp for M O T examination .
28 ‘ Before training , Barry called a meeting and said the chairman had accused us of being greedy bastards and blamed us for the fine .
29 The press blamed us for Labour 's defeat , the Tories blamed us for Labour 's defeat and now it looks as thought the Labour Party is blaming us for Labour 's defeat .
30 The press blamed us for Labour 's defeat , the Tories blamed us for Labour 's defeat and now it looks as thought the Labour Party is blaming us for Labour 's defeat .
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