Example sentences of "[vb past] too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In her nervousness she used too much force , and her hand , released by the tearing of paper , flung out and knocked over the wine .
2 ‘ It seems that he reversed his car rather quickly and in doing so he inadvertently used too much gas , ’ said Mr Tweddle .
3 It has recently been suggested that King overstated the numbers of the really poor because he used too large a multiplier for family size , and that perhaps their proportion of the population was nearer to a seventh in most years .
4 Others feel that Freud used too few subjects to test his theories .
5 All the hives were up on the moor , and there was little to do except check that no fieldmice were getting into them , sniff them to detect foul brood , listen for late swarms , and cut out a comb from any that weighed too full .
6 Both of the options put forward by the Democrats were rejected by Bush on the grounds that they involved too much structural reform and were contrary to the principles of the free market .
7 With such charm and grace does he distribute his roses among them that it is easy to forgive him for having — alas ! — one rose too few .
8 She drew too much water , and the Bahamas , for the most part , are a shallow bank dotted with ripsaw coral heads and treacherous shoals where flat-bottomed boats might glide in comparative safety , but where a deep-keeled schooner was forced to creep with painful care .
9 At Edgbaston , in his early days , it is hard to recall him as the skinny lad in wire spectacles who tried too hard to bowl at medium pace , and when he became depressed at his form , came out in eczema rashes and asthma wheezes .
10 While Hunter was enjoying his debut against the Canadians , 23-year-old Underwood , making his debut , was tense , tried too hard and ultimately faded .
11 Wallace 's attempts to establish himself at United have been hindered by the player 's desperation to become a Stretford End hero as Fergie explained : ‘ He tried too hard to make himself popular .
12 Ginny used to think that Carinish Court tried too hard to be something that it was n't .
13 In the morning Bernard was pale and his hand trembled too much even to lift his coffee cup , let alone butter his toast .
14 And hospital chiefs concentrated too much on specialist medicine and not enough on emergencies .
15 Some of the criticism which its recommendations attracted was due to the perception that it concentrated too much on medical and nursing issues .
16 Your issue concentrated too much on women deploring male violence : if men are to become less violent , women must stop requiring them to enslave themselves to the industrial machine in order to support a family .
17 It must also be accurate , or at least accurate enough for the recipient , and timely , as information provided too late for the particular p urpose is use it can respond to the changing needs of the user .
18 They felt that the Authority provided too little support here at first , although curriculum leadership courses introduced in the later stages of the ‘ Programme provided some help subsequently .
19 It certainly has n't to date provided too many solutions for the voluntary sector .
20 Hobhouse wrote The Metaphysical Theory of the State specifically to criticize Bosanquet 's idealist theory on the ground that it provided too expansive a role for the state .
21 The 1996 conference was written into the Maastricht treaty largely because the treaty promised too little federalism for German taste .
22 The interviewer only ‘ butted in ’ when clarification was required on a specific topic or if the conversation wandered too far off the point .
23 Jason McCoy , all this month , has a show of Jackson Pollock drawings among which are two large gouaches which surfaced too late for inclusion in the artist 's catalogue raisonné in 1976 .
24 The Suez operation smacked too much of a Normandy-style landing , and too little of the quick military reaction needed in the nuclear era , which is also the era of instant communication and mass-media debate on a world scale .
25 The action smacked too much of the grandiose , if futile , gesture of the French nobility at Crécy just over a century earlier .
26 Cobham , however , smacked too much of the schoolroom , having already achieved distinction as a writer about confession : learning , especially when tainted by theological or pastoral concern , was by now seen to be a dangerous thing in an archbishop .
27 For those , talk of variables smacked too much of talk of causes with no place for the human being as agent .
28 It smacked too much of the Old Egypt of bribes and favours which he wanted to sweep away .
29 ‘ And found too many imperfections . ’
30 In it Taylor defends ideas that Mill himself found too radical ; primarily , that women should have access to the same professions as men , and that they should not be forced to inhabit ‘ separate spheres ’ .
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