Example sentences of "[vb past] our first " in BNC.

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1 The respect in which the Headmaster of our second school is held again contrasts with the contempt and even hatred felt for the man who headed our first — the man who did n't know their names .
2 We built our first pond this summer .
3 ‘ A year after we started off , we purchased some ground and built our first accident repair centre .
4 In Hungary , the process industry looked to us for safety advice and provided our first contract in Eastern Europe .
5 We fixed our first session for the following week , and with a little planning there could be a further session before I went back to Bristol for my first day return since being a resident .
6 I 'm glad you found our first Top to Tail so useful .
7 In 1990 we found our first chiff-chaff on the count of March 11 and in 1989 , two early sand-martins and a solitary wheatear on March 12 .
8 I remember clearly the first time he played our first single .
9 As we prepared our first Report , to be published in November 1988 , we wanted our document to be lively , to avoid bureaucratic jargon , and to impart enthusiasm for literature , so we included references to specific authors .
10 Herewith came our first culture shock .
11 Unfortunately heavy monsoon rain caused our first game to be abandoned against Singapore CC Sunday XI — we were 87 for one off 12 overs !
12 Back at the beginning of November we instigated our first car boot sale , which we reluctantly accept was less than a 110 per cent success .
13 We stood beneath the trees — and heard our first chiffchaff of the year : ‘ Chiff-chaff-chiff-chaff-chiff- chiff -chaff . ‘
14 Enjoyed our first day serving King and country , ‘ ave we ? ’ asked the duty corporal of his charges , when at twenty-one hundred hours he turned down the gas lights in the barrack room .
15 Public spending was being reined back and the Cabinet was getting down to the series of bruising public-spending battles which characterized our first few years of office .
16 Even period furniture is available through this means — we furnished our first few places in ‘ early poverty ’ .
17 I started our first one , and I said I would , normally I I put my hand up , 'cos I wanted to direct .
18 That year I think we lost our first 7 or 8 away games , and they went something like …
19 When we submitted our first Report on the primary stages we recommended that the three profile components , speaking and listening , reading and writing , should be weighted equally in the assessment process .
20 When I submitted our first Report to Mr Baker he asked me how he should explain what was meant by Standard English to the education journalists .
21 A Country Diary : NORTHUMBERLAND : When we saw our first immigrant golden-eye bobbing on the waters of Bolam Lake in the early months of each year , we always took it as the first sign of spring .
22 At Vigo we saw our first other light aircraft since leaving France .
23 We stood on a bridge , looked down — and saw our first dipper of the day .
24 We had come in search of raptors and we saw our first after only five minutes of walking .
25 Here we saw our first knife-fight which was clearly to the death — and Abu hustled us away from the milling throng which surrounded the two furious young combatants who rolled around like snakes in the dust attempting to stab each other with their " badiks " , the seaman 's dagger which few of the locals went without .
26 It was spoken in Lowland Scotland for many centuries and generated our first literature , indeed , Europe 's first literature outside Latin and Greek .
27 And it finds an echo in the chapter of Isaiah that formed our first lesson ; the word ‘ peace ’ is n't actually used , but the picture of deliverance has a thread of divine peace running all the way through it .
28 Overseas Contracting performed well due to the Kosice contract in Slovakia where we laid 118,000 tonnes of asphalt from July to November and successfully completed our first asphalt runway in Eastern Europe .
29 On Thursday we gave our first lecture to a wider audience , and were surprised that more than a hundred turned up .
30 Shortly after our stepfather died , our mother , Lydia , made her first leap across the Pacific to live with a Javanese guru in Jakarta , and brought back tales which inspired our first visits to Indonesia , as delegates to a Subud conference .
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