Example sentences of "[vb past] other people " in BNC.

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1 The students from that time remembered a man with a sharp sense of the ridiculous ; who ragged them but was too shy to be intimate with them though they liked him much for his friendliness and his humour ; who was famous for long , sudden , and embarrassing silences ; who was so eccentric that none of them believed that he could later be a man of distinction in England or his Church ; a man who loved theology — they never met anywhere else a man who so loved theology , and who regarded theology as the highest intellectual activity for humanity ; a fierce defender of liberty of opinion , for Marxists as for anyone else ; whose principal theme was the glory of God , and who was evidently touched by his ideas of Plato ; who did not give the impression of a mind of exceptional ability — there was not enough knife in the mind — but who gave the impression of being an exceptional person ; who disturbed other people 's prayers in chapel with convulsive fidgets and sudden face-rubbings — they regarded him as tense in his devotions and were afraid of a nervous breakdown ; who had a manifest and rare mystical sense of the immediate presence of God , a presence so brilliant that it could almost overpower .
2 There was a disco where beer was on sale but thoughts of dancing the night away evaporated when we found other people were using it for sleeping .
3 ‘ I had always thought that its grip on me was purely personal , ’ wrote Amanda , ‘ — I loved it simply because it was my home — but then I found that it caught other people in its web too . ’
4 There 's something about her which stopped other people saying ‘ what a nice dress ’ , or ‘ you did well on television yesterday ’ .
5 She had n't complained too fiercely because that was not her nature , and also something told her that Camille undoubtedly ate other people 's parents ' mangoes with the same insouciance .
6 Erm , good point , she did er , give them letters and she told other people to contribute , she erm , she at one stage ask everybody what they , what the record was .
7 ‘ And for all the way she bullied other people , she 's always been under that fellow 's thumb and so has Dympna . ’
8 He hated other people 's leaving him for bed , and when he saw a hard mood ahead he often took a sleeping pill at supper to stop himself from being clamorous , though at the same time he found his terror about the end of a day daft in a creature who was surely intended by build to signify immortal fun .
9 When he saw or heard other people , he slowed to a walk until they were past , then he ran again .
10 At yesterday 's tree planting Mrs Frank thanked the pupils for their commitment to the community in doing something which benefited other people now and in the future .
11 This Boden observed other people 's taboos just so far as was necessary , but he went his own way , sure that no values were valid but his own .
12 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
13 I was actually quite low on the activists and higher on these three but I managed to wonder sometimes where I worked ever so hard on a session I ca n't really ca n't understand you know why it 's not going very well and I thought well when I then watched other people do something that had a lot of action I thought well why did they like that more and I never I did n't know but I 've actually learnt that you have to put activities in , cos you , you know you do get people with a very strong activist preference .
14 I perplexed other people .
15 We 've grown and erm brought other people , integrated other people in in with us .
16 I felt other people felt the same way about silly things .
17 Presumably it 's also a lot to do with isolation , a lot to do with the fact that there was no one to talk to about the sexual experiences you were having and the only surrounding attitude was one of , ‘ This is something which should n't happen ’ , whereas the situation when I had my first sexual experience was one where I knew other people who were gay whom I could talk to .
18 She knew other people in the company were responsible for that .
19 If it meant anything at all it probably meant other people thought you were a bit like them .
20 We went through in two minutes what took other people an hour and a half .
21 During the time I knew him , he never took acid as he was very much afraid of it , and counselled other people against it in the sense that he felt it might disturb them psychologically , and felt that 's what might happen to him
22 You loathed it when you saw other people behaving like this and yet you could no more control it in yourself than you could any other automatic physical reflex .
23 ‘ When we saw other people 's work , like the French Impressionists , it was a different world .
24 ‘ And to tell my friends to be more careful where they discussed other people 's affairs !
25 During this time Dad was discovering how much he liked other people .
26 She was absolutely convinced that what she liked other people wanted too ; a canny instinct which she used always as her guiding principle and from which no one could shake her .
27 Many Christians continued to take part in traditional Roman festivities ; they sometimes shocked their bishops by dancing in church , getting drunk at celebrations in the cemeteries , consulting magicians , or resorting to charms to cure their troubles , just as did other people .
28 1 What embarrassing things have happened to you ? 2 How did you feel ? 3 What did other people say to you ?
29 I mean did other people think that ?
30 Throughout that period I 've canvassed for the Labour Party , I 've campaigned for the Labour Party , I 've argued for the Labour Party and one of the items that made me join the Labour Party and one of the items I got other people to join the Labour Party was that Labour was a mass Party , because it consisted of hundreds of thousands of individual members and it consisted of millions of trade unionists .
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