Example sentences of "[vb past] up [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sure enough , I dived in the water , swam up the other end , and he came after me .
2 At last , while the shadow of the ramparts reached quickly over the grass , they gathered up the debris of their afternoon and skipped or ran or walked or grumbled up the slopes to home .
3 The lock snapped and the detective levered up the bottom section .
4 Dougal levered up the rectangle of hardwood .
5 I began by taking the cable-car and the chairlift beyond it , then wandered up the lower glacier to the hut .
6 On my first evening , my body still believing it was morning , I wandered up the maze of cobbled alleyways to the city 's most venerable quarter .
7 We wandered up the darkened staircase back to our chamber .
8 He came across and dabbed up the spilt coffee with a dirty dishcloth and a flourish .
9 He turned his head and spat , then buckled and retched up a thin stream of vomit .
10 Another racking fit of coughing seized him , doubling him over and ending only when he retched up a gush of phlegm and blood .
11 So he took it , and played something soft and sad , something plaintive and melancholy that rose up every third line as if it was going to shake off its sorrow and fly forward and free ; but then in the fourth it curled back on itself and fell again : reluctantly , sometimes , but always resignedly , as if it knew it was going to fall ; as if it had been striving and falling back again for hundreds of years .
12 Jess could n't see except when the birds rose up an instant only to fall back , this time with Damocles mounted and digging in his spurs .
13 In the 1770s a wing was added at the back , and once again the house rose up the social scale .
14 A twenty-five-foot wave flung itself at the canoe from an unexpected angle and before the crew could turn to absorb the blow , the Hokule'a rose up the face of the wave at forty-five degrees , and was capsized as it flew off the peak .
15 It was low and cracked to begin with , then it rose up the scale , eerily , and shook out its top notes across the damp , half-lit glade until I really did think that my father had come not from the hospital but from some horribly , cold , empty region that lies in wait for us instead of all the heavens we have dreamed up to make things bearable .
16 Thus , their solicitor drew up a document detailing joint responsibility for communal maintenance of roofs , courtyards and external paintwork .
17 The liberals , for their part , drew up a petition asking King Fahd for a consultative assembly , modernisation of the legal system and controls on the mutawa .
18 Buick also sorted out its muddled product line and drew up a marketing plan that helped it sidestep the most intensely competitive part of the American market .
19 Mr Browning drew up a chair for her , as nice as could be , and sat down himself .
20 As a result of the unprovoked attack by Magharba they decided to raise the stakes , and drew up a new list of candidates who were all Zuwaya , and all possessed of doctorates .
21 He drew up a work schedule dedicated ‘ to providing holes which would be reachable with two good shots , when the ground is soft and there is little or no run , rather than cater as regards length for the summer conditions ’ .
22 I sat in the café as the rain showed no sign of letting up and drew up a short list of people I had met with whom I could air my perplexity .
23 The entire ZTT organisation drew up a blueprint for world domination which was a product of the desire to change the pop star syndrome .
24 The League drew up a scale of reductions whereby players on £5 a week ( the maximum ) took a 15 per cent cut and these on £3–4 a 5 per cent cut , the money saved going into a fund to help clubs in financial straits .
25 From all this information the team drew up a matrix of crafts , materials and local resources , analysed technologies applied locally and attempted to order skills development in level of difficulty and in relation to social custom as a preliminary to curriculum design .
27 Wills , drew up a religious curriculum for Taunton School .
28 We quickly drew up a children 's broadcasting legend hitlist .
29 At the time of the last election , he and Douglas Hurd , then the Home Secretary , drew up a list of the jobs they would seek not to do after the election .
30 The Champagne houses were naturally outraged at the government 's ineptitude and drew up a vociferous protest , signed by eighty participants , condemning the publicity given to the ministerial communiqué .
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