Example sentences of "[vb past] as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It lies within an area designated as planning permission since nineteen sixty four .
2 Lithuania agreed as part of the agreement to construct housing for servicemen in Kaliningrad ( Russian territory separated from Russia proper by Lithuania ) in exchange for receiving hardware from the Baltic Fleet as a basis on which to form a Lithuanian navy .
3 Ron lived to see the latter ambition fulfilled from the foundations he laid as Chairman of the racing section of the British Canoe Union and Olympic Team Manager .
4 More to the point , the passage has a rhythmic regularity which enables it to be written out and scanned as poetry in a quasi-blank-verse metre : He has learned an alphabet of arch and aisle : The language of dim stairs and moth-hung rafters .
5 What is more interesting here , however , is the method of reasoning by which Dobson reaches his conclusions on how EModE pronunciation is to be codified and legitimized as part of the canon .
6 Lewis Silkin succeeded as Minister and it is largely through his influence that New Towns in Britain gained their significant role in post-war planning .
7 While a student at Edinburgh , Marion Newbigin had come under the influence of J. Arthur Thompson , whom she later succeeded as lecturer in biology and zoology at the School of Medicine for Women .
8 Richard Aitkenhead , hitherto Economy Minister , on April 12 succeeded as Finance Minister Irma Zelaya Rosale , who lft her post due to ill-health , caused by pressure of work .
9 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
10 The unconditional jump is , of course , inadequate by itself to select a sequence of instructions to be executed , if the choice depends on results previously calculated by the program or read as input data ( although instruction modification could be used ) .
11 But they have had since January to come up with the $570m that Mr Bush requested as emergency aid and compensation for post-invasion Panama .
12 Mellor , 43 , addressed the Commons to explain why he quit as Heritage Secretary on Thursday .
13 JOHN McGRATH quit as manager of struggling Third Division Halifax Town yesterday .
14 Hamburg , for example , has about 30–40 per cent of its road system designated as 50 km/h main streets , with all of the remaining non-industrial roads designated or planned as Tempo 30 .
15 Aveling preferred actresses , but they were more difficult to locate once he left New York , and he rather looked down on what passed as theatre in America , although he admired Buffalo Bill 's Wild West Show .
16 Bishop Crowley appointed as Chairman of CAFOD in 1988 .
17 Typically , Carter appointed as head of legislative liaison Frank Moore , a Georgia associate and professional management specialist with no experience of Washington politics .
18 Jaq noted how wistfully Grimm regarded what he rated as gourmet ambrosia disappearing into the monster 's maw remorselessly .
19 These arguments , which often became violent , implanted in the parents an entrenched bitterness that surfaced as hate to Andrew 's face .
20 Pybus was duly sacked but retained as club coach in a refreshment-making capacity .
21 In a striking — but inaccurate — red and white livery , it posed as No. 1 for the 75th Anniversary celebrations in that year .
22 He retained an affection for Paris and a gratitude for the intellectual advantages that it had given him to which he later referred as pope .
23 It may have been during this period that he was supported by a canonry in St Peter 's , to which he later referred as pope .
24 Application that , listed as number fifty three please Your Worships .
25 If a copy of ‘ If ’ ever existed at Anfield , however , it was probably long ago used as loo paper , judging by the bad-tempered reaction of manager Graeme Souness to defeat .
26 Coal dust should be collected up into strong brown bags , dampened down and used as coal .
27 Cakeboards ( 12in ) used as place mats , 85p each , from Divertimenti .
28 Er , scrap timber can be stacked up at one side , and used as firewood .
29 Bakker was convicted of swindling followers of his Praise the Lord ministry out of more than $150m ( £90m ) , some of which he used as hush money for his mistress , Jessica Hahn .
30 Watson did not , however , teach the " charity intake " himself ; instead he taught private fee-paying pupils in his own home in order to augment the minimal salary which he drew as headmaster .
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