Example sentences of "[vb past] from the " in BNC.

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1 On 28 July 1930 I disembarked from the Sorrento at Constanza in the Black Sea .
2 As they disembarked from the jet , they were strangers .
3 The Thatcher Cabinet after 1983 radiated from the woman at the centre .
4 It was afternoon — the morning had gone on Crabb Robinson — which meant that all the ample , high , soft-blue leather desks along the spokes of the great wheel that radiated from the Superintendent 's desk , ensphered by the Catalogue , were taken , and he had to be content with one of the minimal flat triangular ends of the late-come segments inserted between these spokes .
5 She watched them disappear into one of the corridors that radiated from the chamber .
6 At its apex this radiated from the product division to the central organs of calculation and control .
7 His shop was in the merchants ' quarter of the city — a maze of buildings which had been divided and sub-divided , so great was the demand for space , which lay within the strictly enforced boundaries of the streets which radiated from the Golden Yurt like the spokes of a wheel .
8 The Luggage came ambling down one of the other passages that radiated from the room .
9 She watched the ruins take Tallis , the walls and the stones becoming trees again , responding to a glow of green that radiated from the woman as she sat within her nest of rags .
10 A red glow radiated from the depths of the shaft .
11 The short days were half over by the time I ventured from the hut ( where my motorbike was also preserved .
12 Milky liquid oozed from the stalks .
13 The good doctor , ex-Killing Joke roadie , former A&R man and ambient trail-blazer whose spaced-out symphonies oozed from the chill-out zone of London 's Land Of Oz club to become The Orb .
14 According to Hubert , blood oozed from the centre of the palms .
15 Vale dominated the first 45 minutes against a Stockport side they dismissed from the second division play-off last Wednesday .
16 He stood for a moment , a towering dark figure and watched as the blood — sluggish now — seeped from the boy 's mangled body .
17 Thick , sluggish blood seeped from the great jagged holes where his arms and legs had been and , with them , a watery pus .
18 His eyes were round and staring , and a thin , bloodied foam seeped from the corners of his distorted lips .
19 Philip , with tears running down his face with relief and joy , kissed his son as he dismounted from the horse , and said : ‘ Oh my son , you must look for a kingdom equal to and worthy of yourself , for Macedonia is too little for you ! ’
20 We dismounted from the BMW and Werewolf slipped on a pair of gold-rimmed shades , which reminded me to put on the plain glass Yuppie specs I 'd borrowed from Fly .
21 We dined from the table d'hote at £14.95 per head , which we felt was phenomenally good value .
22 Another thought surfaced from the chaos in her mind — and stuck , looming larger and more unnerving by the moment .
23 It was late by the time the meal was done and later still when the company rose from the coffee cups in the drawing-room .
24 Sure enough , in the morning , a small round table holding an appetising array of titbits rose from the floor a minute or two before Susan and Michael had finished their exercise routine .
25 Assume it 's okay , ’ and she rose from the table and went upstairs .
26 as by Terracina rose from the sea Zephyr behind her
27 Though Dr Runcie and his party could not take Holy Communion at the papal mass , he had earlier celebrated the eucharist at the Anglican church in Rome after three demonstrators rose from the congregation as he ascended the pulpit ; the visit has been dogged by protests from supporters of the Rev Ian Paisley .
28 BUDAPEST — The Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party , extinguished at the weekend by its congress , rose from the ashes yesterday in Budapest 's communist heartland , the industrial district of Csepel , Imre Karacs writes .
29 I rose from the table , went into the cell and flopped down on the hard wooden bed and was asleep almost immediately .
30 Their hats sailed up , whirling black against the screen , as the dust rose from the red plush seating , while in the back rows the disapproving dentist 's wife , would shake their heads and tut tut at the rowdies down front .
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