Example sentences of "[vb past] to life " in BNC.

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1 Chris Law 's last-minute attempt to win a place in the British Olympic team briefly flickered to life yesterday when he won a Soling race in the French Olympic Classes Regatta at Hyeres , finishing in front of Lawrie Smith , writes David Pelly .
2 The row below dulled and then flickered to life , muted for a short while and then raised into a furious crescendo .
3 He threw a lever and the twin 1500-horsepower engines roared to life .
4 All right , she thought as the car roared to life .
5 His body roared to life , hard and urgent , over-riding the pain .
6 Grand Metropolitan , which is believed to be keen to sell its extensive brewing interests , came to life in late trading , jumping 21p to 599p as the story flowed that Sir James Goldsmith and friends were stake-building .
7 Thirty years since Asterix came to life , sales of the books — 28 so far — have topped 180 million ( Asterix 's magic potion for superhuman strength enables them all to speak in 29 languages ) .
8 Everything came to life in the summer with the warm weather and long days .
9 At the moment when she suddenly needed to say something important to her boy and had no words for it , that gesture came to life and said on her behalf what she herself was unable to say .
10 At once the kneeling statues came to life .
11 Just as indisciplined and uncompromising Southampton threatened to turn United 's post-Wembley celebration into a night of disappointment , Kanchelskis came to life .
12 The seismic activity gradually increased in intensity until on Sunday , 20 May 1883 , Krakatoa abruptly came to life , announcing its re-awakening with a series of explosions audible in towns over 150 kilometres away .
13 Liam came to life again with ‘ 'T IS the last rose of summer … ’
14 The tableau came to life , slowly at first , each horseman urging his mount forward into a walk , then a gentle trot .
15 The drivers , flushed and cursing , each trying to be the first into the city and to have their wares ready for sale before the city came to life .
16 At this , Pop came to life and leapt from his chair .
17 Described as ‘ cold , haughty , melancholy and dull ’ , he at least came to life in the splendour of his books , some eight hundred of which are in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris .
18 ‘ The first time it came to life was New Year 's Eve , when lots of my parent 's friends came down from Stockholm .
19 ‘ He evolved in such a way that really came to life for me , ’ she says .
20 But while they gave support and commitment , it was lesbians who were at the forefront of change when the Girls ' Work Movement came to life in the late seventies and early eighties .
21 Van Gelder had just left the bridge when another loudspeaker came to life , the repeated double buzzer identifying it as the radio-room .
22 He approached the fallen man , either to arrest him or make sure he was dead , whereupon Elliot came to life and stabbed Bothwell three times .
23 Her fingers were sliding over the satiny warmth of her skin , and in a sweet intimate flash of reminder , or of warning , her body ( her secret breathing body which she ignored for nearly all of her time , trying to forget it ) came to life and spoke to her .
24 While some , indeed most , planned towns established themselves successfully , others proved completely abortive , never came to life at all despite all the activity of the planners , including the king himself .
25 With the sun , the bargemen came to life .
26 He only came to life when she began unbuttoning his trousers , for as she touched his fly buttons , so he grabbed at his belt .
27 As one Anglican incumbent noted , the liturgy ‘ came to life in a new way ’ with such music and the recent publication of Gospel Praise reflects the growing interest in it .
28 I put on the dress and it suddenly came to life .
29 The engine turned , was slow to fire before it came to life .
30 Tutilo came to life with a shudder and a start , golden flames kindling in his eyes .
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