Example sentences of "[vb past] hold the " in BNC.

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1 The Likud Prime Minister , Mr Yitzhak Shamir , proposed holding the elections last May , but he is resolutely opposed to any role for Mr Yasser Arafat 's Palestine Liberation Organisation , which he insists is still committed to terrorism .
2 Balance on your bottom , knees together , feet off the ground , arms bent holding the ‘ oars ’ .
3 Erm the old on that you know , took me two years to get the bearings approved and er you know but then having to wait a year and a half cos had a year and a half 's worth of orders on 'em and promised to hold the price for three years is that 's what it took for them to use them up , er has run out , new orders have been put on but I 've got the chance of taking the business .
4 Immediately Alec 's eyes filled with sweat again and he strained to hold the delicate balance of the bucket of fire as it moved lower and closer to the shape carved out of the ground .
5 She tried to hold the pen , but it zig-zagged all over the paper like that Planchette thing her father had used long ago .
6 John tried to hold the family together but it knocked everyone back . ’
7 I stopped to hold the door open for her .
8 Michele 's fingers moved to hold the warmth of her nape and his mouth covered hers .
9 Lochnagar seemed to hold the ancient spirit of the land .
10 Even with University College Cork — whom he captained to a Munster League title in 1985 — and with Dolphin , the man over in Cork Constitution always seemed to hold the edge .
11 Speeding up cellular turn-over ; zapping free radicals ; strengthening intercellular cement , all in turn seemed to hold the key to a younger , fresher complexion .
12 Last autumn the Government 's proposed Energy Review and the falling demand for coal seemed to hold the prospect of a much- needed tightening in controls over opencast mining .
13 The latter seemed to hold the view that , if there had to be an Archbishop of Canterbury at all , it were best that he should be a socialist .
14 Her body still seemed to hold the imprint of his hands , her lips remembered his — firm , warm , promising , exciting …
15 Before supper she 'd held the bowl while Antoinette threw up .
16 For so long she 'd held the secrets of her past under lock and key , barely allowing even Kelly much more than a glimpse into her background .
17 Er she 'd held the girl in conversation at Mansfield er for quite a while and she 's listened to the tape and she 's convinced it 's the same girl .
18 She caused a few titters when she said she 'd held the court in the church for the convenience of all parties .
19 Here he was increasingly concerned with the chemistry of the brain , which he believed held the key to the treatment of mental illness .
20 In 1538 the Earl of Sussex claimed to hold the reversion of the Lord Stewardship .
21 While he was not typical , the notorious sadist , Lieutenant Colonel Muraviev , one of the former Tsarist officers on whom the Red Army was obliged to rely , vowed to hold the Ukraine by fire and the sword .
22 But I well remember the shock of amazement to hear from the excavator that the trench dug to hold the vertical posts of the building , in the typical military method , was of one period and the vertical posts of another .
23 Political commentators noted that by aligning tactically with the LDP at this stage , Komeito anticipated holding the balance of power in the Lower House after the elections , a position it already enjoyed in the Upper House .
24 In a ruling on Nov. 10 the federal judge threatened to hold the navy in contempt for refusing his earlier order to reinstate Meinhold , who was formally sworn back into service on Nov. 12 .
25 There were fears that the army would take over after Gen Zia died in an unexplained air crash , but Gen Beg made it clear that he favoured holding the elections that brought Benazir Bhutto to power .
26 In the case of working class women , intervention by primarily middle class volunteers or state officials often served to increase their burdens by exacting higher standards of childcare and housekeeping — what Anna Martin called holding the mother to her task of making bricks without straw — and punishing her if she failed .
27 • Adhesive Knit to hold the 2nd skin in place and reduce friction .
28 EC Foreign Ministers met in The Hague on Sept. 3 and decided to hold the peace conference proposed on Aug. 27 as early as Sept. 7 .
29 A working compromise was reached only after Barbarossa agreed to hold the Pope 's bridle and stirrup at a formal meeting ; an act of ritual homage which he had at first refused .
30 The two sides agreed to hold the next round of talks in Beijing in the first half of 1992 .
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