Example sentences of "[vb past] seem [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her determination sometimes degenerated into obstinacy , but her gentle wit and bright eyes softened the impact , and she came to seem the embodiment of practical Christianity .
2 In fact , rather better than he 'd seemed the last time I 'd seen him .
3 It began to seem a possibility that an external observer would be able to predict whether or not an apparently relaxed subject was forming visual images .
4 The sun dropped below the horizon , the minutes ticked by and an involuntary bivouac began to seem a possibility .
5 ‘ It began to seem a craven sort of job .
6 But Llewellyn 's retainers with Twiston-Davies and Tim Forster , plus attractive rides for David Nicholson and Nick Gaselee , make those dark days when the phone never rang seem a long way off .
7 They seemed like two equivalent ways of saying the same thing , and which form of words you chose seemed a matter of taste .
8 Cos I thought they thought seem a bit thin but
9 Singing along to them in the middle of the jungle did seem a little odd , but it kept our minds off things , even if it invited torrents of abuse .
10 While we were waiting at about 10.30 p.m. to go on night shift , we were subjected to a certain amount of what would now be called ‘ sexual harassment ’ , which we learned to parry quite neatly ; but the arrangement did seem a little thoughtless on the part of the B.P. Transport Department .
11 His brother , on the other hand — this did seem a little odd , now that I come to think of it — had apparently learnt his German locally ; from his voice I should have said he was Austrian .
12 Frank Dick was not happy , and it did seem a harsh decision .
13 It did seem a little hard that , just when things were beginning to go really well , the even tenor of their lives should be upset by the arrival of someone else — someone who , although a friend , was none the less a stranger .
14 What am I to do ? ’ wailed the victim , and indeed it did seem a problem , because — since she was so much taller than either of her companions — her feet were larger than theirs , and she could not get into their comfortable country shoes .
15 Going home really did seem a possibility .
16 The money they had to pay the sheep for the Cuddly Woolly Protection Racket did seem a lot .
17 To the crowd in the tap bar he had seemed no different from any other young contender down for the Sports .
18 Looking up , it had seemed no height at all .
19 Outwardly she had seemed no different — she 'd laughed and joked with the customers , dealt with any business matters competently and efficiently , managed to get things back on to an even keel at the club .
20 As is often the case , some last-minute idea blossoms while what had seemed a brilliant solution and been pondered for ages falls quite flat .
21 In both cases , the thing had seemed a sheer impossibility ; he had not thought but known that , being what he was , he was psychologically incapable of doing it ; and then , without any apparent movement of the will , as objective and unemotional as the reading on a dial , there had arisen before him , with perfect certitude , the knowledge ‘ about this time tomorrow , you will have done the impossible ’ .
22 His unbeaten 214 at Lord 's in 1984 made David Gower 's declaration , which had seemed a good one , look rather whimsical .
23 No wonder he had seemed a bit on edge .
24 Faces which earlier had seemed a little sombre were now wreathed in ecstatic smiles , and it was clear that this was what they had come to hear .
25 Religion there had seemed a natural , relaxed concern .
26 More experimentally-minded workers have since found many soft spots in what had seemed a solid concept .
27 Another casualty of this bombing raid was the Royal West of England School for the Deaf at Exeter , which at that time had seemed a safe haven , not only for the children of the area the school served , but also for the 52 children and staff of the Anerley School for the Deaf , London , who had been evacuated there on 14th September 1939 .
28 Yet , it must , this new thin man , he had seemed a gleam of randiness , be the old Rab .
29 Benny had smiled at her but again it had seemed a little as if it were expected .
30 It had seemed a natural precaution .
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