Example sentences of "[vb past] tell [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The old peasant woman whom I visited told me how bad things had been before the Liberation — that she had had 8 children , of whom all but three had died .
2 I said it , I said it 's good news and she rushed off , he comes out tomorrow if er I said , I said I shouted as your friend ran off , I shouted tell her it 's good news !
3 Father O'Malley never stopped telling me that she was a saint if ever he 'd seen one .
4 I tried telling her she was wrong , which was silly really , because no-one ought to decide such things for anyone else … ’
5 When I did eventually tell her she was really embarrassed , and tried telling me that I was making it up !
6 I just tried telling you , yeah .
7 As Mrs Pratley , 42 , tried to come to terms with her husband Brian 's death , a court official phoned to tell her she was out on the streets .
8 As I was typing these words , a young friend phoned to tell me about the wonderful summer holiday he had just had with his father .
9 Later she phoned to tell me how much lighter she felt , as if a burden had somehow been lifted from her shoulders .
10 He phoned to tell me that he had it shortly after you and Nicky had left .
11 When Mary phoned to tell me he was free I was elated — he might have news of John .
12 ‘ He phoned to tell me they found Timmy . ’
13 Mr Gibson said : ‘ My wife Pat phoned to tell me what happened and I just packed my bag and got the first flight . ’
14 ‘ She 's the neighbour who phoned to tell us about Aunt Bertha , ’ Lucy whispered to Silas .
15 And you promised to tell me why and how it ended .
16 ‘ You promised to tell me all about it .
17 I promised to tell him all about my murder when I 'd written it .
18 Hilda , he wrote , when I ventured to tell her all her troubles were her own fault : You are so cold .
19 I tried to tell them at first , but now I just smile and say nuffin' , like Brer Rabbit . ’
20 We tried to tell them that they were in as safe a place as possible , that only reliable people knew where they were hiding , and that we would come again the next day .
21 Léonie tried to tell them .
22 I tried to tell him that I did n't blame him for deflowering me but he was n't listening .
23 Knowing what they were like for drink I tried to tell him but he would n't listen .
24 Matron tried to tell him he would need to feed the Bookman properly but the Headmaster did n't seem to care .
25 The trouble is , ’ she went on , ‘ Mr Simkin would n't believe it when they tried to tell him — as you said yourself , you 're his right hand man .
26 ‘ I tried to tell him that , but he kept hanging up . ’
27 There were times when I tried to tell him before that I was just sleeping with him because he wanted to sleep with me , but he 's a person who can get easily upset , and I did n't want to hurt him .
28 I er I tried to tell him He he tried to point out to me , he says , That er the average earnings you see of district inspectors you see ?
29 When he got up to go I tried to tell him that I understood , that I would n't say anything if he would take me home , but he backed away out .
30 And then I made a mistake , I felt it had all been a sacrifice in vain , I felt I had to make him appreciate what I 'd done , that he ought to let me go — so I tried to tell him .
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