Example sentences of "[vb past] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This stunted any development and modernisation and kept China in a backward state .
2 The manufacturers ' organisation , the Biscuit , Chocolate and Confectionery Alliance , denied that the levels of pesticides found in the chocolate posed any health risk .
3 We do not know whether the [ auditors ] were asked to make the valuation on behalf of the company ( which presumably was interested in the value of its own shares ) or on behalf of [ the buying and selling shareholders ] , nor do we know whether the [ auditors ] charged any fee for this valuation , and , if so , to whom , or whether they made their valuation as part of their ordinary duties as the company 's auditors .
4 Neither paper maintained any correspondents away from the line-of-rail .
5 He was paid an annual sum by the British and tried any cases where there was a problem between them and the Portuguese .
6 In addition , he used any contacts he had in the services , or the Government , in case they could be of help .
7 Companies in the survey were asked if they used any mechanisms to protect themselves against poaching by other businesses employing headhunters .
8 If Lord Eldon used any language which could be so interpreted , we must conclude that he either did not guard himself so cautiously as he intended , or that he did not lend that degree of attention to the legal doctrine connected with the case before him , which he was accustomed to afford .
9 ‘ But they never sank any ship I was on .
10 In effect we have considered this already ( Chapter 2 ) when we described how delayed retiring times did not tend to be associated with longer sleeps ; it was a rising body temperature that curtailed sleep and over-rode any need for more sleep that might have existed .
11 John could see some trivial improvements but deferred any mention of them .
12 It also voided any disclaimer or limitation of the owner 's obligation of due diligence in regard to seaworthiness , or in equipping the vessel .
13 The Harter Act voided any bill of lading clause that sought to relieve the carrier from the consequences of negligence in proper loading , stowage , custody , care , or proper delivery of the goods .
14 By contrast , the 1987 intake included a mere nineteen MPs who were farmers or landowners , and only twenty-four who listed any kind of field sports as a recreation , a far cry from the party of thirty years earlier .
15 Jones later apologised over his 25-minute contribution to the tape and promised any profits would go to charity .
16 The first former 's stared at her in surprise , they knew she never mended any thing if she could help it .
17 The law limited any shareholder , including the state , to a 25 per cent share , and established capital requirements consistent with Bank for International Settlement norms .
18 The presence of mucus in the stool was not analysed because the bismuth enema itself had the appearance of white mucus , which invalidated any comparison .
19 Perhaps the most significant intellectual advance of the mid-20th century was indeed made by Karl Popper , not because he provided any kind of method for scientists to pursue ( as he decidedly did not ) but because he showed for the first time in formal philosophy , that science is inescapably a human activity , and that if its underlying human-ness is ever shelved it is only temporarily , and for convenience , to ameliorate human frailty .
20 They never provided any Sandford they took over , Challow they took over , were private sites , they were provided by the private , and in Cherwell certainly they were all provided by private .
21 While he described any retreat from a world role as a virtual impossibility , he admitted that even with American aid the position abroad would be " all but intractable " .
22 All AE 's immediately turned to stare at one of their number a poker-faced young man , who described any client who would n't buy from him as a " cunt " even scribbling comments to that effect on the client record cards .
23 Research can be carried out at all sorts of levels ; we could restrict ourselves simply to reading everything we can find and produce a piece of work which was wholly based on documentary sources and which did not involve us in attending any baptisms or asking anyone involved any questions .
24 None of these cases , however , involved any charge over property .
25 Even if this were so , the implication has been made by catholic school supporters that catholic schools have not promoted or reinforced any measure of prejudice , and that no other possible type of school could improve on them ( Daly 1975 ) .
26 As always with matters of team work , the basic environmental factors differed from case to case and complicated any analysis of what constitutes a ‘ team ’ ( Marshall , et al . ,
27 The new phenomenon of a deficit on manufactured trade has not , however , created any crisis in the UK 's international position : even the decline in net exports of manufactures has not fulfilled the prediction implicit in the adage ‘ export or die ’ .
28 Violence was the only crime for which he found any link with unemployment .
29 The children , I thought , were not particularly bright and they found any sort of work very difficult .
30 She usually found those , though , just as she usually found any cash or letters that he 'd hidden from her .
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