Example sentences of "[vb past] also come " in BNC.

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1 She had also come through a baptism in front of Britain 's most demanding audience .
2 He had also come to respect Irina for her ability so rapidly to transform herself into a reasonably well-dressed , reasonably good-looking girl .
3 They had also come to school earlier in the year for the annual assessment meeting , a statutory requirement for children who are the subject of Statements .
4 Pious persons disapproved of its use in any circumstances ; by mid-century they had also come to deprecate the mesmeric trance , which was associated with the activities of spiritualists ( see chapter ten ) .
5 The people , by this time , had also come to regret the whole incident and they beseeched him to stay .
6 There they joined Japanese geologists who had also come to McMurdo Station that season to search for meteorites .
7 The end of harvest had also come to Sleightholmedale , a couple of weeks earlier ; despite Jonadab Oaks ' reputation as a stern man and a strict master , the workers surged into the farmhouse kitchen , in answer to his invitation : ‘ Come in , one and all .
8 To the east the Mediterranean Fleet had also come under air attack during 8th. from Rhodes-based Axis aircraft , and heavy air fighting had ensued with six of the attackers being claimed shot down by the defending Fulmars from the carrier ‘ Formidable ’ .
9 The public had also come to accept a rule of thumb that the Provisional IRA gave a warning when they placed a bomb and loyalists rarely gave one .
10 Objections to the application for planning permission had also come from the Western Regional Fisheries Board and Westport Tourism as well as several individuals .
11 Lately Mr Serrano had also come under fire on human rights .
12 Caroline had also come from Bideford .
13 A large proportion of Whitely 's inmates had also come via other gaols throughout the country ; prisons where they could n't be handled adequately .
14 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
15 But an alternative explanation had also come to him which he knew he should not ignore .
16 The governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh Pemberton , had also come under intense criticism for not acting more quickly when he became aware of fraud within BCCI .
17 The idea had been vigorously championed by President Bush , and , with opinion polls showing the electorate strongly in favour of the move and deeply hostile to political incumbents , many legislators had also come to accept it .
18 The Tories had also come to steal the Whigs ' former following amongst the petty craftsmen and mechanic tradesmen .
19 But out of sight at the other end of the course , Mr Hill had also come to grief .
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