Example sentences of "[vb past] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 And it is water , pouring troughed into a stream
2 A couple of minutes later Chatterton zimmered into the room .
3 Two had broken and egg-yolk oozed into the cracks of paving-stones .
4 Her shoes oozed into the ground and , as the breeze sliced through her light coat , she shivered .
5 " A multitude of pillars and white domes , clustered into a long low pyramid of coloured light . "
6 On concrete roads the abandonment of ministry research on water leaks coincided with substantial problems after water seeped into the joints .
7 The programme highlighted the importance of providing an effective ‘ vapour barrier ’ ( usually a skin of plastic sheeting ) behind the internal plasterboard surface — if moisture from inside the home seeped into the cavity it could rot the timber frame .
8 ‘ Autobahn ’ seeped into the ears of a pre-punk generation to emerge , fully formed , in the 1980s as electro-pop and avant-garde synth music .
9 Salt from the floors of these buildings seeped into the surrounding sub-soil and was drawn up by capillary action through the stones and mortar of the church .
10 In his ‘ Small History of Photography ’ , Benjamin ( 1979a , p. 248 ) notes that in photography 's early mid-nineteenth-century days , ‘ the client ’ who came to be photographed was ‘ the member of a rising class equipped with an aura that seeped into the very folds of the man 's frock coat or floppy cravat ’ , but that the later ‘ imperialist bourgeoisie ’ lost its aura in its ‘ deepening degeneration ’ , its Jugendstil photos featuring a fashionable ‘ twilight ’ and a ‘ non-auratic pose ’ .
11 Colour seeped into the scene like turning up the control on TV .
12 Street lighting seeped into the tiny landing from an open door so at least some curtains were undrawn and he dare n't use the torch .
13 Ice formed in her branches , seeped into the wounds in her body , expanded and cracked her .
14 It seeped into the nearby River Lyd , and thousands of fish , insects and other wildlife died along a six mile stretch .
15 It took 11 firemen almost half an hour to bring the blaze under control and bingo players had to be evacuated as smoke seeped into the auditorium of the Mecca Social Club , next door .
16 I MOSEYED into the NME offices bearing a still-throbbing psychic wound and a mittful of rejection letters .
17 The notes hovered in the still air as he played a lament then errupted into a dance rhythm .
18 FRED COUPLES , who miraculously avoided a lake on his way to winning the U.S. Masters in April , did it again yesterday as America charged into a two-stroke first round lead in golf 's World Cup in Madrid .
19 When Edward III of England invaded France , John went to Philip 's aid and fought at the battle of Crecy where , as R.W. Seton-Watson describes it : ‘ giving the reins of his horse to two of his companions , and shouting the battle-cry of ‘ Prague' ’ , he charged into the thick of the fray and , blind as he was , soon went down fighting ( 26th August , 1346 ) .
20 Harrison charged into the table , knocking the sponge cake , chocolate biscuits , two tea cups , milk jug and a flurry of knives and teaspoons to the floor .
21 The sandwiches were quickly followed by the wrath of the Scotland manager , who charged into the bedroom and threw a glass of milk over the startled keeper .
22 With a whoop of exhileration , he charged into the shallow water .
23 They charged into the other dressing rooms , gabbling as they started a quick change for another number .
24 She charged into the room and threw herself at him , punching him hard with her small , clenched fists .
25 Still rigid with the horror of her nightmare , she heaved herself up in bed as the door flew open and Penry charged into the room at a run , his hair on end and his chest bare .
26 The court erupted into a crescendo of cheers and applause , and a succession of ever-increasing acclamation as the news was greeted by the multitude outside .
27 Reg Seekings , who came from No. 7 Commando , remembers an incident right at the beginning when they got fed up with erecting tents , that nearly erupted into a minor mutiny .
28 Within three days her face once again erupted into a mass of sore , red spots .
29 NEWCASTLE 'S Anglo-Italian Cup game against Ascoli erupted into a 22-man brawl by the touchline five minutes from time .
30 The buildings erupted into a towering inferno as the plane , carrying only four people , exploded on impact .
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